Very. Social media has been inundated with reports of shedding since April/May 2021, including stories of bleeding and upset menstrual cycles from women who have been in contact with others who have been vaccinated; too many to be ignored.
The advice is to steer clear of people in the weeks following their vaccination. But it is not known how long shedding continues.
The nay-sayers say that you need a live virus for shedding to occur and there is no live virus in the vaccine (REALLY?!?) You will find pages and pages of respectable website, like webmed and, insisting that shedding is not possible.
Nevertheless the reports keep coming. see RightsFreedom for details of a Pfizer document that confirms ‘Covid Vaccine Shedding’ leading to ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ and ‘Miscarriage’ is possible via ‘skin-to-skin contact’ and ‘breathing the same air’
If you are not vaccinated and feel that you have shed upon, then there are remedies. Many swear by Pine Needle tea . Others use one of the Covid Cures as a prophelactic – for prevention.
VERY – Most Covax use new mRNA technology and have not been tested on animals; and the lasting effects on fertility and the immune system are not known.
Covax is not entirely new. They have been working on a Corona virus vaccination for over ten years. The current virus, SARS2, is almost 72% the same as the SARS1 corona virus.
Covax has not been tested on animals, as is required by the FDA. For that reason it is only licenced for emergency use. Since over 99% recover from covid in all age groups without treatment, you might wonder where the emergency is.
Even if there was an emergency, why would anyone allow themselves to be injected with an experimental biological agent, when there is a well established drug that cures covid, namely Hydroxychloroquine. This is the argument used by Dr Simone Gold is her Must-See Conference Speech in May 2021.
Dr Simone became a founder of AmericasFrontLineDoctors, after she was fired from her hospital for persisting in treating and curing her covid patients with Hydroxichloroquine, after she had been told not to. Please listen to her speech for the full story. In her speech, Dr Gold pointed out two lesser known reasons why you should not take covax.
Pathogenic Priming / immune enhancement
The previous attempt to develop a Corona virus vaccine was abandoned due to pathogenic priming. The vaccine was successful initially – the animals in the test developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were bad. The vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs. They all died.
“Pathogenic priming” or “Immune Enhancement” or “Anti-body dependent enhancement” are the names given for this effect and NO tests have been done on the new Covax to check for Pathogenic Priming. See Greenmedinfo for more info. or see Official Scientific Article
If you have been vaccinated, it is a good idea to keep a Covid Cure at home, so that if you find yourself with Covid symptoms you can treat yourself straightaway and stop it before it takes hold.
Pregnancy Termination & Infertility
Covax includes spike proteins with similar structures to syncytin-1, the natural protein responsible for placenta development. Syncytin-1 is required for a successful pregnancy. After covax, your immune cells will be trained to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to miscarriages, birth defects and infertility.
The vaccine will have an immediate effect on pregnant women. No tests have been carried to out to establish whether this effect is permanent. For this reason Americasfrontlinedoctors strongly recommend that women of child bearing age do NOT take the vaccine. See RightsFreedomsfor more info.
If you still think the vaccine is a good idea, then look at this video from Brighteon , which includes that the vaccine can leave a man sterile. It also confirms that the jab should not be given to children under any circumstances.
YES – the standard PCR test contains Morgellons-like fibres that are stuffed up your nose right to the outer wall of your brain.
The test requires the swab to be rubbed against the tissues ensuring that fibres become attached to you.
see adrenogatefor the full story.. “We are talking about a self-replicating inorganic synthetic “life-form” that embedds itself in your tissue and assembles actual wireless transmission antenna arrays, outfitted with copper orbs and all, designed to transmit data in both directions while instructing the host body to produce further mutagenic pathogens within the infected individual.”
or you can search Duckduckgo for “pcr test fibers” to get this result
if you run this search on Google you get what the deep state want you to see… along with the sponsored and spurious “fact checker” sites.
This proof positive that Google is censors content.
No – Immunisation appears not to be the only function of the covax. The contents of the covax have never been made public. So it is not clear what else Covax is doing. But it is clear from video evidence that Covax is planting something like a computer nano-chip in the body.
In the day following your jab, your arm will have a concentration of metallic particles, that will attract a magnet.
After the jab, your electro-magnetic field is no longer ‘natural’. It follows that you will be more sensitive to electro-magnetic signals, as emitted such as 5G.
5G is known to be used to influence weather, when directed to the nano-particles in the sky by chem trails, now known as geo-engineering.
If 5G can influence the weather, then it follows that it could be used to influence us, to affect the way we think.
Viruses can be treated, and the best treatment is prevention. HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) and Ivermectin are both preventers, as is CDS. They are all effective treatments for all viruses. Both HCQ and Ivermectin are available at a pharmacy under doctor’s prescription. These treatments are not new, but they have been attacked, and doctors have been discouraged from prescribing them .. all to keep people in fear and to make the vaccine the only solution.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is championed by Andreas Kalcker. See
CDS has been around for years as MMS, used as alternative medicine. The power of MMS as a healing agent was discovered by Jim Humble. Mainstream medicine was not interested and the only the share MMS with people who needed it was to set up a church, which is what he did. Genesis ll church is still going strong.
CDS are proven cures. Hundreds of people in Spain have benefited from the Kalcker web site. But the experience in Bolivia is the clincher. The legislature in Bolivia would not have overruled the government and legalised CDS as a Covid treatment, if the evidence had not been impossible to ignore. See Doctors trust in CDS, See Covid Cured in Bolivia. See Covid Cured in Ecuador.
Click Bill Stone for an in depth 90 page Guide to DIY Chlorine dioxide.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)has been been used by doctors for many year as Chloroquine, to treat malaria. HCQ as a cure for Covid19 is championed by Prof. Didier Raoult in France, where he has treated many Covid19 patients with success.
In January 2021, the FDA in the USA approved to use of Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid patients.
Up till 2021, positive tests conducted by independent scientists / doctors have been ignored. See HCQ Scandal. The main finding is that the medicine has to be taken as soon as the symptoms appear. When a patient has to be hospitalised , it is often too late. see CNN Report
In America HCQ has been championed by Dr Stella Immanuel, who has successfully treated 3000s+ patients with HCQ up till April 2021. 2 HCQ pills a month will protect you. If you actually have covid , then HCQ + Zinc + VitaminC will make you better. Click Dr Stella Interview to hear her in person. Impressive and heart warming.
Click HCQ protocols for to see doses suggested by AmericasFrontlineDoctors.
HCQ is only available on prescription, the doctors in most countries are not permitted to presribe for Covid. But you can buy Quercetin without prescription. Queretin has the same key ingredients as HCQ .
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko developed the Zinc Quercetin protocol to cure covid. click Zelenko-Protocol for the pdf or click VladimirZelenkoMD for his website.
Dr Zelenko denounces the vaccine in the Zelenko-interview.
Click LaPrensa for the original in Spanish written by Agustina Sucri.
Quercetin has the same origin as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as confirmed by Dr Ardis
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic that is used in many countries and it turns out that it helps chlorine “cl” to the cells. It has the same or similar protection principle as chlorine dioxide. So for people who do not have access to chlorine dioxide, Ivermectin is another valid option.
Preventive dosage of ivermectin for a 70kg adult is 12mg for 2 days thereafter once every fortnight (14 days) according to FLCC I-Mask protocol (taken from Telegram)
Another report says that one dose protects you for a month. The dosage would be 150 micrograms for every kilo of weight every 20 kilos 3 milligrams. see Australian-Report for more info.
Ivermectin is an orally bioavailable macrocyclic lactone derived from Streptomyces avermitilis, with antiparasitic and potential anti-viral activities. Upon administration, ivermectin exerts its anthelmintic effect through binding and activating glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls) expressed on nematode neurons and pharyngeal muscle cells. This causes increased permeability of chloride ions, causing a state of hyperpolarization and results in the paralysis and death of the parasite. Ivermectin may exerts its antiviral effect, including its potential activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), by binding to the importin (IMP) alpha/beta1 heterodimer, which is responsible for the nuclear import of viral proteins such as the integrase (IN) protein. This inhibits nuclear import of host and viral proteins and may inhibit viral replication. see Pubchem for the full story
this was downloaded from Telegram, the uncensored answer to whatsapp
In May 2021, India was in the news. In fact, the situation there is not that unusual. On a typical day, over 20,000 people die in India with or without Covid. The statistics show that they are doing rather well compared with colder countries like the UK
HCQ is an easy to take pill, that requires no special preparation. Offshorecheapmeds asks for a doctor’s prescription.
HCQ is used to treat Lupus. If you go to a pharmacy and say you have lost your prescription – quite possible if you have lupus – there is a good chance that they will sell you a packet.
Where to buy Ivermectin
Ivermectin is used to treat parasites in dogs! So borrow a dog, go to a vet and ask for a prescription for Ivermectin.
You can buy on-line from iveromectin, which redirects you to HappyShopper.
Where to buy CDS – Chlorine dioxide Solution
Chlorine dioxide Solution is not a pharmaceutical product, so you cannot get it from the chemists. But you can get ´medicinal´ Chlorine dioxide on-line. Chlorine dioxide is sold widely as a water purifier in pill form, which is not what you want.
Where to buy CDS Ready to Use
If you do not already have CDS prepared, it is quickest to buy it on-line ready to use from
UK – They do not give their address on the website, but they assured me that they were based in the UK
Click How to make CDS – see Kalcker video or contact me through the contact form
click Covid Protocol for info on the Protocols to follow
The best way to keep safe from Covid is keep a bottle of CDS (Chlorin Dioxide Solution) in the fridge ready to go.
CDS is an energiser and is successful in treating a range of conditions and illnesses. So if you other health issues, then CDS is worth the extra effort.
For instant protection against covid, HCQ is the easiest treatment, especially if you have a delicate stomach, which will make CDS difficult to take initially.
Editor´s note : I have a genetic neuroligical condition that is on hold thanks to CDS. I reckon that CDS will prolong my useful life.
YES – The Chlorine dioxide (CD) spray disinfects virus and bacteria. Spray your throat to stop a virus taking hold.
The Chlorine dioxide (CD) spray is based on the original MMS formula, and does not need to be refrigerated. It will last 2 weeks or more. But it will get weaker as time goes by and the chlorine element evaporates.
Chlorine dioxide (CD) works like oxygenated water as used by dentists or by nurses to clean a wound. CD kills bacteria and viruses, and can be sprayed on a cut to help it heal. You can also spray it on an aching tooth. CD kills bacteria and takes away the pain temporarily.
CD Spray disinfects a Virus
Spray your throat after you have been in busy places, like shops, airports or hospitals. The spray will kill a virus before it takes hold. CD sees no difference between flu and Covid. It kills them both.
CDS Spray
If you already make CDS, the gas form of ClO2, you can make your protective spray by mixing 1/3 CDS to 2/3 water with a tiny amount of salt.
Kalcker in Spanish on the importance of the ClO2 spray to protect doctors and nurses from the virus.
DIY CD Spray
You can do it yourself (DIY). The formula is very simple.
Add 30 drops of Hydrochloric Acid and 30 drops of sodium chlorite to a 20 ml spray bottle. Fill up the bottle with water. The two ingredients are widely available. We are based in Spain, where we buy from You can also buy from You can even find it on Amazon.
Here are some useful links to CDS information in English
Covid cured in Ecuador
Click Covid cured in Ecuador for a brief video by Andreas Kalcker talking about CDS success in Ecuador. This link will only work on a smart phone and needs the Telegram app.
COMUSAV – CDS Cures Covid – Report
COMUSAV is the Global health and life Coalition (Coalicion mundial salud y vida) and the report is presented by 22 doctors and 3 scientists from many different countries including Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain & Switzerland.
Click COMUSAV for the report translated into English. The original report waas written in Spanish.
The report includes a summary of 11 studies on Chlorine Dioxide that found no unwanted side effects, and much technical information, and pleas to national governments to legalise Chlorine dioxide for the treatment of Covid.
The Conclusions on page 46 include the following:-
“The death rate in Bolivia went down from 100 a day in early September to 6 a day in early November, after implementing the law allowing CDS use, and the cities that have applied it have been infection free for over 1 month.
The more than 3000 doctors of the COMUSAV association that have used CDS as a prophylactic measure did not get infected with Covid, even in high infection areas, with no reported side effects at all, taking it on a daily basis for several months”
The Vaccine is Dangerous
Click The Vaccine is Dangerous for a video in English from honest experts warning of the dangers. The Doctors’ testimony starts after 25 minutes, with introduction by blogger Polly St George of Canada. But it worth seeing it all to get the whole picture.
Janet OsseBaard Documentaries
Janet Ossebaard is a top researcher from the Netherlands and has put together a 4 part exposé on the Covid19 phenomena.
Covid Part 1 starts with the definitive statement that Covid19 does exist, it is NOT a hoax. From then on it is full of information that Bill Gates and the World Health Organisation would not like you to know.
Janet Ossebaard refers to the Cabal frequently. If you like her style, then you will find her 10 part documentary on the Fall of the Cabal rivetting. Here is the link to Fall Cabal Part s 1-10.
NO – Chlorine dioxide is NOT the same as domestic Bleach
The formula for bleach below is quite different from CDS. Concentrated chlorine dioxide may be used in industry to whiten / bleach paper. But medicinal CDS has nothing to do with Industrial chlorine dioxide, just as the fluoride in toothpaste bears no relation to the concentrated fluoride used as poison to kill rats.
CDS Oxidation Potential
CDS has an oxidation potential of E 0.95 volts, more than 54% less than Ozone (E2.07 volts) and 30% less than Chlorine (E1.36 volts). It is the oxidation that kills the bad cells. But too much oxidation, as in Ozone and Chlorine, will damage good as well as bad cells.
CDS is pH selective
CDS (CD gas) is pH selective. The human body has a pH of 7.3. Alkaline pH is greater than 7.3, Acidic pH is less. The more acidic the pathogen, the greater the reaction CDS creates. CDS only kills the bad cells.
Chlorine Anion in Humans
Chloride Ion is a chlorineanion that forms the negatively charged part of certain salts, including sodium and hydrogen chloride salts, and is an essential electrolyte located in all body fluids responsible for maintaining acid/base balance, transmitting nerve impulses and regulating fluid in and out of cells. An anion is a negatively charged ion. In short, our bodies are no strangers to chlorine, but not in the quantities used to keep a swimming pool clean.
Chlorine dioxide leaves is no residue.
CDS reacts to hydrochloric acid, the acid in the stomach and oxidates. The oxidation process turns it into oxygen and sodium chloride (salt). Both are easily absorbed and no damaging residue is left to upset the gut bacteria.
Chlorine dioxide improves Neuron Conductivity
Neurons are nerve cells that transfer information within the body. They use two types of signals to communicate: electrical signals (long-distance) and chemical signals (short-distance). Google “Neurons Synapses Signaling” for more information.
Salt increases conductivity. Chlorine dioxide puts sodium chloride (pure salt) into the body. It follows that the CDS salt will improve long distance neuron communication. This could explain how Parkinsons and other neurological conditions benefit from CDS. More research is needed on this.
CDS eliminates bio film
CDS oxidation eliminates bio-film. Bio-film provides a safe environment for viruses and parasites to proliferate. Parasites can compromise the gut wall and leak toxins into the rest of the body. Neurological problems can follow when the brain-blood barrier is breached. Hence it is possible to treat Autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons with CDS.
CDS does not damage human tissue.
CDS kills single cell bacteria, but not multi-cellular tissue. The salt produced by the activated chlorine, is conductive; and there appears to be an electromagnetic discharge effect. The multi-cellular ceĺls survive by disseminating charges, whereas a single cell is overwhelmed by the oxidation.
CDS is NOT toxic
According to Legal Experts, CNG Peritaciones Farmaceuticas Juridicas, ‘Chlorine Dioxide is a substance that, in normal conditions of use, does not produce toxic or undesired effects that are disproportionate to the benefit obtained’. No-one has ever died as a result of taking Chlorine Dioxide Solution.
Oxygen + Salt = Energy
CDS gives your body energy to fight illnesses. After a few days taking CDS, you will notice that you have more energy , less brain fog, assuming that you have a sensible diet.
The bibliography of “Forbidden Health” includes 125 references to scientific publications.
Chlorine dioxide (CD) Solution can be taken as a cure or as prevention. The CD throat spray protects from Covid19 as well as Influenza.
CDS – CD Gas dissolved in water.
The Kalcker method. CDS must be kept under 11 degrees (ie in the fridge or in ice packs) to stop it evaporating. the standard daily dose is 30 ml dissolved in 1 litre of water, taken 10 times in the course of the day.
CD Drops
Drops of the concentrated CDS are mixed with water, and taken in the same way as CDS.
CD works like MMS, the forerunner to CDS. CDS uses Hydrochlroic acid as activator instead of Citric acid (original MMS). Nevertheless the drops version can cause stomach upset, unlike the CDS which is easy to digest.
Spray Protection
CD Spray is made from CD drops and does not need to be refrigerated. Spray your throat after being in a crowded area to prevent infection. CD throat spray protects from Covid19.
Spray Healing
The same CD spray is used to help heal cuts to the skin.
Where to get CDS
You can buy a CDS kit or you can buy CDS drops ready made.