Category Archives: cancer

Can cancer be prevented?

YES – Cancer can be prevented in by a daily dose of Bicarbonate , especially when you follow a low sugar diet.

Cancer likes

Cancer likes sugar and acid forming foods. Alcohol and red meat are acid forming. Cancer likes a Low pH acidic body.

Cancer dislikes

Cancer cells cannot live with high pH of alkalinity. The natural human pH is 7.4

Cancer Prevention

Keep your body just above pH 7.4 with a daily dose of bicarbonate of soda. A popular mix is a teaspoon of organic bicarbonate of soda in a third of a glass of boiling water. When bubbles have subsided, add a splash of honey , a few drops of iodine (optional) and top up with cold water. Stir and down in one. Best taken after a meal. Bicarbonate of soda is super alkaline.

Iodine is an essential element which we don’t get enough of- see Iodine can Prevent Breast and Prostate Cancer

Supermarket Bicarb

Supermarket Bicarbonate of soda has additives, even aluminum. So best to use ecological bicarb if you can.  But Supermarket Bicarb is much better then nothing.

Vaccines damage the immune system

Cancer cells form every day in almost every body, and are promptly killed by the immune system, especially when you are young.

However vaccines damage your natural immune system, especially the MRNA covid vaccine. Best to avoid almost all vaccines .

Bicarbonate Dose

If you have been vaccinated, then maybe you should be taking Bicarbonate twice a day.

To avoid overdoing it, you should have a day or two off every week. Super high pH leads to Alkalinosis, which is to be avoided. You will not feel well with head aches. So you will have plenty of warning that you need to take less bicarb.

Bicarbonate of Soda / pH medicine Cures

Can Iodine prevent breast, thyroid, prostate and mental health problems?

YES – Iodine can prevent breast, thyroid, prostate and mental health problems.  It also acts against any sort of radiation – Nuclear or 5G. Iodine is an essential mineral and everybody should be taking it.

50 years ago, iodine was seen as so important in the USA, that it was added to bread as standard.  Iodine became the go-to medicine after it was first separated from seaweed in 1811.

But things changed after 1948, when two doctors produced questionable studies saying Iodine was dangerous. The studies were presumably funded by big pharma, who would have seen the unpatented iodine as competition to their products.

In the 1950s iodine was taken out of bread and replaced with a bromide additive.  Bromide in all its forms supplants iodine,  leaving people even more iodine deficient.

Iodine is needed by women for breast and thyroid health.  For men, iodine is important for the prostate.   Iodine also counters brain fog and associated degenerative illness.

The solution  is to take an iodine supplement twice a day. The best known are Lugol and Iodorol both made by Iodorol is in pill form and avoids the digestive problems that can be provoked by Lugol’s solution.  Iodine should  also be applied to the skin before a  breast lump becomes cancerous.

Iodine – How much should I take?

With the scares over 50 year ago, people are still cautious about the use of Iodine, and tend to under-dose.   Best to start off with 2-4 drops in a glass of juice/water or a cup of tea twice a day.  If you don’t feel well – ie feel dizzy  or nauseas – reduce the dose.  Most doctors will err on the side of caution and you wont take enough to deal with your problems.  See Dr Stephanie Buist’s  Guide to Supplementing with Iodine 

Bromism Detox Reaction

When you start on iodine, it could react with the bromide in your system, and provoke a type of bromism. This is more likely in the USA, where bromine is much used as a fire retardent.  If you don’t feel well, stop taking iodine for 48 hours. In that time, do a salt detox as recommended by Dr Jeffrey Dash.  Then resume iodine at a lower dose.

Breast Cancer Prevention with Iodine

Most breast cancer starts with random lumps and soreness. Start with iodine early and the lumps will dissolve, soreness will go and cancer will be nipped in the bud

Thyroid problem Prevention with Iodine

Thyroid malfunction is mainly caused by iodine / Iodide deficiency. An iodine supplement should be part of any treatment.

Iodine Authorities

The iodine resurgence is backed by a mass of users and by numerous brave doctors. Here are some links.

Recommended reading includes Lynne Farrow’s book.

Will raising our spirits help bring on the 5th dimension?

YES –  The best way we can help the Earth move forward is to raise our frequency and keep an open mind.

Raising Your Frequency

According to numerous sources with direct connection with the Good ETs, an individual’s most important task is to [1] raise his /her  frequency and [2] help others to wake up – to realise that we have been lied to over and over again on almost everything from the existence of ETs to the safety of the covid vaccine.  Sources include Elena Danaan and Blossom Goodhild.

3rd vs 5th Dimension

Almost all are in the 3rd dimension as 2022 comes to an end.   The 3rd dimension is where we have been for thousands of years, and where the Bad ETs want us to stay.

The 5th dimension is coming as higher frequencies ripple through our solar system.  the 5th dimension is for the whole planet, not just a select few.  Though it is probable that majority of mankind will remain totally unaware that changes are happening.

The 5th dimension is important because by all accounts, the Bad ETs cannot function at that frequency.

Raising your Frequency

‘How to raise your frequency’ is the big challenge.

Meditation is the best way

Prayer is the next best thing, if meditation does not come easy.

Quiet Time works –  lie flat on your back like an Indian Fakir, and be quite still for 20-30 minutes.

If you have ideas of your own , please share them in a comment below.

Calls to Wake Up

The easiest way to help wake people us is to share posts like this with groups.  But probably best to create a pseudonym account, so you are not involved personally .

The problem is that even the most intelligent of person can be blocked to alternative  ideas.  You can call it ‘cognitive dissonance’ or whatever.  But if someone is blocked, no amount of words will sway them.  They will keep on taking the vaccine, even to the point that they are suffering from cancer or blood circulation problems that they never had before the vaccine.

Blossom Goodchild

Elena Danaan

Can you combat cancer and covid with ph medicine?

YES – ph medicine combats cancer and covid.  Bicarbonate of soda / baking soda raises pH and prevents an acid environment, which pathogens need to thrive.

dr mark sircus bicarbonate medicine
Ph Medicine or Bicarbonate Medicine is championed by Dr Mark Sircus, Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine. Dr Sircus’ latest book “Bicarbonate Medicine’ tells all  – available on Kindle. You can find out more on and on Dr Sircus’ Living a longer life.

CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is another Ph Medicine . Like Bicarbonates, CDS only attacks low Ph/ acidic pathogens.

Bicarbonate of Soda (BoS) eliminates a cancerous tumour

Bicarbonate of Soda mixed with Molasses, Honey or Maple Syrup taken three times a day for 10 days will raise your pH to over 8.  The alkalinity then kill cancer cells.

The sweetness of the molasses opens the cancer cells. The BoS increases the pH that kills them.

To control your pH, you need a pack of test strips.

A 10 day cancer cure ?!?

  • Day 1-2   1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 2 x a day
  • Day 3-4  1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day
  • Day5-10 2 tsp BoS, 2 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day                             Day 5-10 reduce to 2 x a day if you have to.

This is not medical advice, as most doctors do not know about this. This is refinement of the steps Vernon Tullis used to cure himself of cancer. See Dr Sircus’ book for more.

ph Level Test

the first step is to test your pH level.  see  for how to test your pH level.  The Urinalysis Reagent Strips from ACCUDOCTOR are easy to use. they test for 12 different things including pH.  they are available from Amazon.  See below for some real results.

pH test Results

Anything more then 7.4 is good news – alkaline not acid.  The colour on the strip indicates a pH of 6, which is normal first thing in the morning.  For a more accurate view, you should test after lunch.

ph test = 7. A good result after 8 months of taking bicarbonate of soda almost every day.

Alkalizing Foods

According to Greenopedia, “A balanced diet equates to roughly 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods.”    

see also Lemon & Garlic increase pH