Category Archives: murder

Was Janet Ossebaard killed by the deep state cabal?

No -Janet Ossebaard committed suicide.  Though her outspoken criticism of the Cabal made her a target for the Deep State.

Janet was an investigative journalist, who came to prominence with a series of videos entitled “Fall of the Cabal”. This was followed by the epic “Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal”, which numbered over 25 separate videos. Depending on your point of view, she was courageous Truther or an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist.

It is true that she was very anti the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschilds and the Cabal families , who had nothing to do with every day Jews, who were/are victims.

She left her home in Holland , after being hounded by police; and moved to Spain with her companion Cyntha Koeter.

Janet Ossebaard

Over the next three years, they moved every few months to keep from the far reaching tentacles of the Deep State.

In November 2023, Janet went missing. Internet reports tell you that she was suffering from depression/ emotional breakdown, and that she took her life.  Click Crunchyreport for her Obituary and a moving goodbye from Cyntha.

She had many issues, but it could be said that she was driven to her death by the Cabal.  Not exactly murder; but as good as.

Her legacy is her work. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend that you do…. or visit her website … or visit

Do reptilian hybrids exist on earth?

YES – Reptilian hybrids exist on earth, according to the  whistle blowing testimony of super-soldier Stephen Chua.

Reptilian Hybrids are for real

Chua was a real life X-man with exceptional physical strength and mental powers, and worked in extra special services for many years.   His experience included  hand to hand combat with reptilian hybrids and a face to face encounter 9 foot tall Ciakar warriors.

Area 51 – a haven for ETs

At one stage, Chua worked  at Area 51, where he met numerous unfriendly ETs, engaged in project work.  The ETs in Area 51 were not captives, rather guest workers, who were there to take more than to give.   The ETs had their space crafts hidden underground.

Another whistle blower silenced

He died in mysterious circumstances in his early 50s, soon after his whistle blowing interview with Elena Danaan.   If he was a crack-pot he would still be alive today.  But he knew too much and had to be silenced.

Click A Soldier Speaks for the full interview.

Will they stop at nothing?

NO – They will stop at nothing, as evidenced by the brutal murder of german Dr Andreas Noack in November 2020, five days after releasing a shocking video about graphene hydroxide in the covid ‘vaccine’.

andreas noack

Dr Noack was an expert in Activated Carbon and identified that nano particles of graphene hydroxide in the covid vaccine.  This type of graphene is very hard and cuts like a razor, the last thing you want in your body.

Here are links to the must-see video.   Click seemorerocks for video with English subitles, or buscandolaverdad for Spanish subtitles.

There is also an upsetting video of Dr Noack’s widow confirming that it was murder and calling us to action.

For another sad story about an untimely death, click Brandy Vaughan. Brandy was an active anti-vaxer in USA, where vaccines are almost compulsory for children.


Will the vaccine companies stop at nothing?

YES – The untimely death of Brandy  Vaughan suggests that the vaccine companies will stop at nothing,  to protect their vaccination programs.

Brandy Vaughan

In December 2020, anti-vaxer Brandy Vaughan died in mysterious circumstances after a long period of harrassment by clandestine figures.

Brandy Vaughan

Brandy was a persuasive campaigner against compulsory vaccination.  Click Brandy Video to see why Big Pharma felt threatened and for some very good reasons to think twice before vaccinating.

Brandy had her own website – BrandyVaughan – and wrote to her supporters shortly before her death, that if something happened to her that it would be foul play.   Click medicalkidnap for the full story

After her death, her body was given an autopsy and the death was attributed to ‘bi-lateral Pulmonary Thromboembolus’.  The Coroner put it down to natural causes   – see autopsy report –  without investigating what caused her unusual system failure.   Sounds like a cover up to FCP.

GoGetFunding to continue the work

Brandy asked that in the event of her death, there should be a fund to investigate her death and keep her work going.  If you want to take part,  here is the GoGetFunding link.

Click Dr Andreas Noack for the story of another untimely death.