Category Archives: Vaccines

Is there a link between a weakened natural immune system and Alzheimer’s?

YES – There is a link between a weakened natural immune system and Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases.

It is accepted that people with Alzheimer’s are more susceptible to infections, which explains how the statistics show that Alzheimer’s is now a leading (7th) cause of death globally.

Alzheimer's death rates
However, the question remains … Which comes first? the weakened auto-immune system or the degenerative condition?

Genes can explain why some people are more likely to get a condition than others. But genetic disposition can be overridden or at least retarded by good diet and good lifestyle choices.

There is no evidence that degenerative conditions weaken the natural immune system, which suggests that the weakened immune system is the cause rather than effect.  In fact, there are scientific studies that show that failures of the immune system may cause or are a cause of Alzheimer’s Disease.   See Pubmed in 2017 “The immune system is now considered a major factor in Alzheimer’s Disease.”  or  Sciencedirect in 2021 ” Increasing preclinical and clinical studies have revealed that different components of the immune system may act as important contributors to Alzheimer’s Disease”.
So the big question is …

What damages a natural immune system?

The natural immune system will be damaged by any of the following:-

  1. Eating too much sugar – cookies, cakes, iced cream, sugar laden jams – acid forming
  2. Drinking too much sugar – cola, beer, sodas – acid forming
  3. Eating too much gluten – Inflammatory
  4. Eating too much red meat – acid forming
  5. Not eating enough good fat – avocadoes, olive oil, coconut oil
  6. Eating too much bad fat – ie foods fried in cheap oil. acid forming
  7. Drinking too much alcohol – acid forming
  8. Not taking enough supplements – ie Omega3, zinc, magnesium, vitaminC etc
  9. Taking too much anti-biotics – kills good gut bacteria
  10. Taking too much/many pharmaceutical products – kills good gut bacteria
  11. Taking vaccines – in particular the flu shot and covid booster/vaccine. Compromises the natural immune system.

What is different between Now and 1970, when Alzheimer’s did not exist?

What has changed in the last 50 years to make Alzheimers go from zero to being one of the biggest causes of death in the 2020s. 50 years ago, people did [1] to [9] … maybe not so much.  The new phenomena are to be found in [10] and [11].   50 years ago there was little dependence on pharmaceutical products, and there was no Flu vaccine, let alone the Covid jab.

How to strengthen the Immune System

If a weakened auto-immune system is required for a degenerative condition to manifest.  Then the best way forward is strengthen the immune system by ..

  • Minimizing acid forming food and drink.  See pH Bicarbonate Medicine for more information.
  • Reducing consumption of pharmaceutical products.
  • Avoiding all non-essential vaccines – in particular the flu shot and covid booster/vaccine.

Vaccines damage the Natural Immune System

For every report of vaccines damaging the immune system, there are 10 or more establishment web sites that say there is no problem.   Here are two serious sites which  confirm that  the covid vaccine damages the Natural Immune System.

Pubmed in 2020 – “In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health….. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.”

Biomedcentral in 2022 – “The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among unvaccinated individuals.”

But the official narrative is that the vaccines are perfectly safe.  There is even a university study in America that suggests that the flu vaccine actually helps prevent Alzheimer’s.  This begs the question – “Who paid for the study?”.  Big Pharma companies are the only organisations that fund such studies and the results would have been dictated by the sponsors.  Step out of line and you lose your funding.

Is Agenda30 good for humanity?

NO – Words like Equity and Sustainability may say ‘Yes’.  But the actions say ‘No’ – viz toxic Chemtrails, brain-numbing 5G radiation, damaging vaccines.

Agenda30 aims to reduce world population

A declared aim of the WEF and others is to reduce the world population.  In the old days, millions died in wars, thus reducing the population.   If the vaccine simply killed off the weak and reduced fertility, as it does, humanity would perhaps benefit in the long run.  But it is more than that.

Agenda30 also aims to enslave humanity

But the vaccine, the chemtrails and 5G towers do much more than that.  The vaccine is changing our DNA.  The graphene in the vaccine and in the air we breath (thanks to the chemtrails) is turning humans into receptors.  The 5G towers are the transmitters of electromagnetic frequencies that are received by the graphene and affect the way people think.  Within a generation, transhumanism will be a reality and humans will be on the way to becoming automatons.


15 Minute Cities, a step towards totalitarianism

The 15 minute cities are just the start.  Once we are conditioned to restricted movement, the rules will be tightened up and in no time we will be living in ghettos, that will be akin to prisons.  Add to this video surveillance, digital currency, a social point system and a digital passport; and life will be quite different.

Agenda30 is a step towards totalitarianism .   It is time to say ‘No’.

Is there an easy way to take DMSO?

YES – DMSO may have a horrid taste.  But with this DMSO protocol, you can mask the taste by taking it with sea salt and/or apple vinegar.

DMSO heals

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) has many healing properties.  But you will not be prescribed by your doctor, as it is not a product patented and supplied by big pharma.  To find out more you could type “dmso alzheimers” or “dmso cancer” into your browser.   If you use a Kindle, you will find numerous books on DMSO.  Read a few samples to get an idea of how important DMSO could be to you.  Click Pubmed Alzheimers or Wiley Cancer or Healthline Arthritis for more info.

DMSO dissolves

DMSO  is also a solvent and will help other medicine or supplements get to where they are needed.  it is known to penetrate the  Blood-Brain Barrier.  It is also can eliminate Amyloid Proteins – proteins that wont dissolve naturally.  The vaccine spike protein is one such Amyloid protein – see Pubmed.  If you have had the vaccine, DMSO could be a good way to get the spike protein out of your system.

DMSO Sulfur Compound


DMSO contains sulfur – a much needed mineral – that generates heat when mixed with water.  So best to but 99.% DMSO and mix it 8 to 2 water in a smaller glass bottle with hard plastic dropper.  DMSO will dissolve soft plastic.  Once diluted to 80% or 90%,  it mixes well with water or whatever without generating heat.


DMSO  has rather an unpleasant taste.  See below for ways to take it, to get maximum benefit and minimise the after-taste.


After breakfast is the time to take DMSO. 1 teaspoon or 10 drops of 80% DMSO in a glass of fruit juice and water. You can add a half tea spoon of sea salt and a full tea spoon of apple vinegar to almost completely mask the taste of DMSO.  Use this to wash down any supplements / medicines you are taking.


DMSO increases the effect of the supplements.  The safe thing is to reduce the quantity of supplement by 50%.  If it is a pill, take half a day instead of 1.  Or take it every other day.  DMSO is a money saver!


DMSO increases the effect of the medicines.  The safe thing is to reduce the dose by 33%. In time you will be able to reduce the dose by 50% or more.  The standard message is that you must consult your doctor before doing anything.  But few doctors have any experience of non-pharmaceutical products like DMSO.


DMSO goes well with any tea without milk, such as mint tea, pine needle tea or black tea.  A tea spoon of apple vinegar masks the taste of the DMSO.  Honey or other sweetener is optional.


DMSO Twice a day seems right for maintenance. If you have a serious issue, then 3 or 4 times a day is OK.  It is almost impossible to overdose with DMSO.


The above is not medical advice.  The author is not a doctor.  The reader should take advice before changing the dose of his medication.

Is the World Health Organisation leading the way towards One World Government?

YES –  Amendments to the International Health Regulations due to be actioned in May 2023, will dramatically reduced the freedoms of the WHO member states. In future WHO directives could become ‘binding’.

Amendments to the International Health Regulations

Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are being formalised between February 20 and 24. They will be ratified by the WHO council in May 2023.  If the more extreme amendments are allowed to stand, and the foundations of a One World Government will be laid.

There are 50 amendments proposed that will undermine our freedom.  They are detailed by James Roguski, a leading campaigner. Click 50 Really Bad Amendments to Roguski’s summary, or listen to Roguski in conversation with Maria Zeee.

The most threatening amendments proposed are to  …

1] Remove the requirement to implement the IHR with “full respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.”

2] Remove the words “non-binding” from the terms “standing recommendation” and “temporary recommendation”. to open the way to recommendations that have to be followed.

3] Surrender (medical) sovereignty to the World Health Organization.

4] Restrict people’s freedom to travel by requiring a Global Digital ID (passport)

5] Give the World Health Organization control over the means of production for the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex.

6] Expand the scope of the IHR by enabling the Director-General and Regional Directors to declare Intermediate Health Alerts, Public Health Emergencies of Regional Concern (PHERC) and Public Health Emergencies of International Concern on their sole authority if they determine that events merely have the “potential” to cause an actual emergency.

7] Authorize the World Health Organization to interfere in the crafting of legislation within sovereign nations.

8] Authorize the WHO to censor information   (Many would say they do this already)

A simple majority is all that is required

A simple majority is all that is needed to bring these amendments into force.  So it is important that we all are write to our political representatives to demand that they stand against the unelected WHO.

Act Now to Protect Freedom

A few years ago, the WHO changed the definition of Pandemia to include any virus that COULD cause lose of life.  By this they made the way for the Lockdowns that did as much harm as the virus itself.

The WHO gave themselves just 4 days to formalize the amendments, not enough time for proper scrutiny.  Most amendments will be pushed through and then they will be rubber stamped in May unless over 50% of countries say ‘NO’.

If these amendments go through,  the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the deep state will be well on their way to total control.

If you have any doubts read the Revised_Draft_Of_The_Negotiating_Text_Of_The_Who_Pandemic_Agreement as lifted from the WHO website by  campaigner James Roguski.. Thanks are due to Roguski for leading the way outing the WHO.

Could many vaccine injuries be avoided?

YES – Many vaccine injuries could be avoided, if vaccine lots were recalled as soon as injuries and deaths were reported.

To date, no batches of vaccines have been recalled. The suppliers had no need to, as their contracts specified that had no liability if things went wrong.

If fraud is proven, then the contract would be void and Pfizer & Co would be liable.  But to date the courts (under direction from ‘Above’) have not allowed cases of fraudulent misrepresentation to be heard.

The strength/ toxicity of the vaccine lots has been very variable.  Most batches have been innocuous, which explains how it is that most have had no immediate side effects.

But Pfizer & Co did not stop the distribution of the vaccine lots causing injuries, in spite of reports of deaths.  Whoever decreed that there could be no recalls has blood on his hands.

The ‘Above’ appears to be the Pentagon (ruled by Deep State?). Evidence is coming to light that the DOD (US Department of Defence) developed the Sars Covid virus, sent it Wuhan for ‘GaIn of Function’. The bio-weapon was leaked, creating fear.  The DOD then pushed through Warp Speed to make people ‘safe’ from the virus of their own creation.

Thanks to researcher Dr Sasha Latypova for revealing the above and to the Health Ranger Mike Adams for his great work with Brighteon. Click Brighteon for an in depth interiew with Dr latypova.

Are Eggs good for us?

YES –  Protein from egg yolks reduces the effect of damaging Vaccine Spike Protein, and maybe even guard against Alzheimers.

Egg Yolks versus Spike Protein

Search google and you will find plenty of web sites, confirming that egg yolks act against the vaccine spike protein, which seems to be the primary cause of the current blood clots


Click pubmed for an official take on egg yolks

Cholesterol in Egg whites are not the danger

The medical world For many years have pushed the idea that cholesterol was bad for you and that the best treatment for someone with high cholesterol was a daily Statins and no more than 2 eggs a week.

But current thinking is that cholesterol in eggs does not raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats.


Statins are the Real Danger

Doctors continue to bully patients into taking Statins to control their cholesterol levels.  But the reality seems to be that we need cholesterol to combat a host of conditions including Alzheimers. Click below to see Dr Peter Gibben’s full exposee.

Click Statin scare for another doctor’s view.

Is Planned Parenthood USA linked to the China bio-weapon?

YES –  Thanks to Planned Parenthood,  China now has more than enough American DNA to produce a bio-weapon that targets Americans / non Chinese.

Planned Parenthood sells American DNA to China

Planned Parenthood has been harvesting organs for some 10 years.  It was no unusual for a late term abortion to end with the baby’s organs being cut out while the heart was still beating.  The organs are sold to anyone, and since China is a big buyer of organs, PP organs will have ended up in China.  This was first exposed in 2015.  See Lifesitenews for the latest on this.

planned parenthood stats
2021 statistics for Planned Parenthood

2020 ‘virus’  targets blacks

In 2020,  the black community were warned that they were more susceptible to the virus than whites.  This was not by chance, as the laboratories in China would have had black DNA to work with.  The next ‘virus’ from China could target Americans, making the way for the CCP’s objective of world domination.

The Establishment do nothing about Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is funded by the Federal government since Obama and before.  To his credit, Trump stopped the funding; but Biden renewed it and it’s business as usual.

Mainstream media have hardly covered the Planned Parenthood scandal since 2015

Mainstream Media ignore Planned Parenthood scandal

If the mainstream media can ignore Planned Parenthood, how can we trust them to tell us the truth  on other matters like the safety of the covid vaccine, the purpose/safety of 5G electromagnetic waves and the purpose/safety of geoengineering chemtrails.

Will raising our spirits help bring on the 5th dimension?

YES –  The best way we can help the Earth move forward is to raise our frequency and keep an open mind.

Raising Your Frequency

According to numerous sources with direct connection with the Good ETs, an individual’s most important task is to [1] raise his /her  frequency and [2] help others to wake up – to realise that we have been lied to over and over again on almost everything from the existence of ETs to the safety of the covid vaccine.  Sources include Elena Danaan and Blossom Goodhild.

3rd vs 5th Dimension

Almost all are in the 3rd dimension as 2022 comes to an end.   The 3rd dimension is where we have been for thousands of years, and where the Bad ETs want us to stay.

The 5th dimension is coming as higher frequencies ripple through our solar system.  the 5th dimension is for the whole planet, not just a select few.  Though it is probable that majority of mankind will remain totally unaware that changes are happening.

The 5th dimension is important because by all accounts, the Bad ETs cannot function at that frequency.

Raising your Frequency

‘How to raise your frequency’ is the big challenge.

Meditation is the best way

Prayer is the next best thing, if meditation does not come easy.

Quiet Time works –  lie flat on your back like an Indian Fakir, and be quite still for 20-30 minutes.

If you have ideas of your own , please share them in a comment below.

Calls to Wake Up

The easiest way to help wake people us is to share posts like this with groups.  But probably best to create a pseudonym account, so you are not involved personally .

The problem is that even the most intelligent of person can be blocked to alternative  ideas.  You can call it ‘cognitive dissonance’ or whatever.  But if someone is blocked, no amount of words will sway them.  They will keep on taking the vaccine, even to the point that they are suffering from cancer or blood circulation problems that they never had before the vaccine.

Blossom Goodchild

Elena Danaan

Is the vaccine spike protein the cause of blood clots ?

YES – The new look white fibrous blood clots are the result of the vaccine spike protein.

Embalmers find white fibrous ‘clots’

Latest information from numerous embalmers is that almost every body they see, has white fibrous tissues /clots, a foot or 30cm long, in their blood system; quite unlike a normal blood clot.  See Sudden Death, the video.

The new clots appear to be the result of the self-replicating spike protein included in the covid vaccine.  Pathologist  Dr Ryan Cole  explains.

Embalmers also find that consistency of the blood in vaccinated bodies is quite different from before.  The blood has little specks like coffee  grounds, and is separated between almost clear liquid and deep red viscous globs.

You know you have a problem if your blood pressure rises for no particular reason, or if you find yourself short of breath or if you feel unusually  cold ; all signs of blood circulation issues.

These stringy clotting tissues were NOT not seen before the roĺl out of the covid vaccine.    All the more reason not to have the injection.

Vaccine Clot Remedies

But if you have had the covid vaccine, all is not lost. Anti-parasites like Ivermectin or Hydroxichloroquine or DMSO can help.

The cheapest and most effective remedy is CDS,  (chlorine dioxide solution) as explained by Doctors  Chaves and Kalcker

If you are vaccinated and don’t feel too good, best to take a remedy sooner than later.

see also the earlier Covax Blood Clots for more links

Do you really need a covid vaccine booster?

NO – You do not need another covid vaccine. Doctor calls for a pause in vaccines, as evidence of blood clots mount. You may not have had a reaction from the vaccine, but you don’t know what’s going on in your body.

Taking the first shots may have seemed a good idea at the time.  Without the vaccine it was difficult to travel, to work and even difficult to be served in a restaurant.

But time has moved on.  Here are some reasons to say No to the booster:-

Say NO to the booster

  • The vaccine wont stop you getting covid.   The media tells you that the vaccine reduces the severity.  But the reality is that the latest variants are not so threatening.
  • If you have had Covid, then the covid anti-bodies in your system  give you as much protection as the vaccine.  Click for a link to one of the few studies on the persistence of anti-bodies.
  • Long covid is a reality for 10 – 15% of the vaccinated that have subsequently contracted covid. The media would have you believe that you are more likely to get long covid if you have not been vaccinated. But there are no statistics to support this. Click for Oxford research into long covid.
  • The vaccine provokes “antibody-dependent enhancement ” (ADE) which reduces the effectiveness of your natural immune system by as much as 70%.  (See for more).  We all know someone who has been vaccinated and now has problems recovering from random infections. Click Sunnylan for another independent view on ADE.
  • The vaccine spike protein morfs into blood clots, which may/will kill you eventually.  see Blood Clot Expose or Rumble Clots.
  • UK Doctor Malhotra publishes peer reviewed paper calling for a pause in vaccinations.  He was an advocate of the vaccine until his prevously fit father died of blood clots six months after taking the shot.  Click Doctor’s Paper for the full paper or childrenshealthdefense for the backstory.
  • The vaccine contains undesirable Morgellons and graphene. If this is not enough to put you off, almost all the vaccines were developed using foetal tissue from aborted babies, as indeed do most modern drugs.  see NationalGeographic for an objective view.
  • Vaccine reactions can happen  after the booster. Strokes and cancer are real risks.  Put “Covid vaccine strokes” or “Covid vaccine cancer” into your browser to find out more; or listen to Dr Roger Hodgkinson on, or read what is happening to pilots on

Stop the SMS vaccine reminder

The only way to stop the mass vaccination in Spain is for the Ministry of Health to stop sending out text messages with the date and time of your next vaccination.   The sending of unsolicited messages is normally contrary to the data protection laws, and we have invited ‘Abogados por la libertad’ (Telegram) to see if we can use the law to stop this.  Other countries like Austria don’t do mass SMS , why should Spain?

Stop Compulsory Vaccination

In Spain the covid vaccine is not compulsory.  But it is compulsory in many countries such as Italy, where everyone over 50 must be vaccinated, or pay a 100 euro fine.   This breaks the Nuremburg Convention that requires consent before any treatment.