Category Archives: Vaccines

Will the vaccine companies stop at nothing?

YES – The untimely death of Brandy  Vaughan suggests that the vaccine companies will stop at nothing,  to protect their vaccination programs.

Brandy Vaughan

In December 2020, anti-vaxer Brandy Vaughan died in mysterious circumstances after a long period of harrassment by clandestine figures.

Brandy Vaughan

Brandy was a persuasive campaigner against compulsory vaccination.  Click Brandy Video to see why Big Pharma felt threatened and for some very good reasons to think twice before vaccinating.

Brandy had her own website – BrandyVaughan – and wrote to her supporters shortly before her death, that if something happened to her that it would be foul play.   Click medicalkidnap for the full story

After her death, her body was given an autopsy and the death was attributed to ‘bi-lateral Pulmonary Thromboembolus’.  The Coroner put it down to natural causes   – see autopsy report –  without investigating what caused her unusual system failure.   Sounds like a cover up to FCP.

GoGetFunding to continue the work

Brandy asked that in the event of her death, there should be a fund to investigate her death and keep her work going.  If you want to take part,  here is the GoGetFunding link.

Click Dr Andreas Noack for the story of another untimely death.

Is there proof that vaccines do not cause Autism?

No  –   there is no proof that vaccines do not cause autism. After much pressure, the CDC has dropped from its website the headline  “Vaccines do not cause autism”.  The pressure can from ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network). See kimberlydrake report

The CDC (US Centre for Disease Control) still refuses to accept that vaccines cause autism in spite of innumerable cases where the condition has come on within 24 hours of receiving a shot.    The question that needs an answed is …

“How many Autistics have not been vaccinated?”

Less than 1% is my guess.

The blood brain barrier

Autism is a neurological condition, associated with problems with the blood brain barrier. Type “autism blood brain barrier” into your browser and see what’s going on. You will also see that problems with the intestinal epithelial barrier (the gut wall) are not far away.  The most dangerous side effect of any vaccine is that it can open these barriers.

CDS repairs  the blood brain barrier and the gut wall

There are many case studies of autism being cured by CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution), which indicate that over time CDS can heal the blood brain barrier. The CDS cure involves a long course of enemas, as vaccinated autistics also have a compromised intestinal epithelial barrier.  See AndreasKalcker official website for the full story.



Does Covax cause blood clots?

YES – There is incontrovertible evidence that Covax causes blood clots.  Symptoms include feeling unusually cold, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. It can result in an aneurism.

Genengnews is one of many sites confirming the link between the vaccine and blood clots.

Even Snopes fact checker, the go-to site for the official line, could not say that claims that the vaccine caused blood clots were False.

We all know someone who is suffering from blood clotting. Symptoms include feeling unusually cold, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. It can result in an aneurism – ie an abnormal bulge or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel. An aneurysm can burst, causing internal bleeding and often leading to death.

If you have had the vaccine , so be it.  But before you have another one, please watch this Vaccine & Blood Clots video. The presentation is somewhat over the top and it is rather anti-Jew… not all jews , just the ones who are making a fortune out of the vaccine.   But please resist the impulsive urge to switch it off.  It includes a sincere explanation from Dr Charles Hoffe MD of how the active proteins in the vax cause blood clots that kill. He uses the word “terrifying” more than once.


see also  Vaccine Blood Clots – Sudden Death

How real is vaccine shedding?

Very.   Social media has been inundated with reports of shedding since April/May 2021, including stories of bleeding and upset menstrual cycles from women who have been in contact with others who have been vaccinated;  too many to be ignored.

Shedding is nothing new!

The advice is to steer clear of people in the weeks following their vaccination.  But it is not known how long shedding continues.

The nay-sayers say that you need a live virus for shedding to occur and there is no live virus in the vaccine (REALLY?!?)  You will find pages and pages of respectable website, like webmed and, insisting that shedding is not possible.

Nevertheless the reports keep coming.  see RightsFreedom for details of a Pfizer document that confirms ‘Covid Vaccine Shedding’ leading to ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ and ‘Miscarriage’ is possible via ‘skin-to-skin contact’ and ‘breathing the same air’


If you are not vaccinated and feel that you have shed upon, then there are remedies.   Many swear by Pine Needle tea .   Others use one of the Covid Cures as a prophelactic  – for prevention.

How experimental is Covax?

VERY – Most Covax use new mRNA technology and have not been tested on animals; and the lasting effects on fertility and the immune system are not known.

Covax  is not entirely new.  They have been working on a Corona virus vaccination for over ten years.  The current virus, SARS2,  is almost 72% the same as the SARS1 corona virus.

Covax  has not been tested on animals, as is required by the FDA.  For that reason it is only licenced for emergency use.  Since over 99% recover from covid in all age groups without treatment, you might wonder where the emergency is.

Even if there was an emergency,  why would anyone allow themselves to be injected with  an experimental biological agent, when there is a well established drug that cures covid, namely Hydroxychloroquine.   This is the argument used by Dr Simone Gold is her Must-See Conference Speech in May 2021.

Dr Simone Gold
Dr Simone Gold

Dr Simone became a founder of AmericasFrontLineDoctors, after she was fired from her hospital for persisting in treating and curing her covid patients with Hydroxichloroquine, after she had been told not to.   Please listen to her speech for the full story.  In her speech, Dr Gold pointed out two lesser known reasons why you should not take covax.

Pathogenic Priming / immune enhancement

The previous attempt to develop a Corona virus vaccine was abandoned due to pathogenic priming. The vaccine was successful initially – the animals in the test developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were bad.  The vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune  responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs. They all died.

“Pathogenic priming” or “Immune Enhancement” or “Anti-body dependent enhancement” are the names given for this effect and NO tests have been done on the new Covax to check for Pathogenic Priming.  See Greenmedinfo for more info. or see Official Scientific Article

If you have been vaccinated, it is a good idea to keep a Covid Cure at home, so that if you find yourself with Covid symptoms you can treat yourself straightaway and stop it before it takes hold.

Pregnancy Termination & Infertility

Covax includes spike proteins  with similar structures to syncytin-1, the natural protein responsible for placenta development. Syncytin-1 is required for a successful pregnancy.  After covax, your immune cells will be trained to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to miscarriages, birth defects and infertility.

The vaccine will have an immediate effect on pregnant women.  No tests have been carried to out to establish whether this effect is permanent.  For this reason Americasfrontlinedoctors strongly recommend that women of child bearing age do NOT take the vaccine.   See RightsFreedoms for more info.

If you still think the vaccine is a good idea, then look at this video from Brighteon , which includes that the vaccine can leave a man sterile.  It also confirms that the jab should not be given to children under any circumstances.


Is immunisation the only function of the Covax?

No – Immunisation appears not to be the only function of the covax. The contents of the covax have never been made public.   So it is not clear  what else Covax is doing.  But it is clear from video evidence that Covax is planting something like a computer nano-chip in the body.

In the day following your jab, your arm will have a concentration of metallic particles, that will attract a magnet.


After the jab, your electro-magnetic field is no longer ‘natural’.  It follows that you will be more sensitive to electro-magnetic signals, as emitted such as 5G.

5G is known to be used to influence weather, when directed to the nano-particles in the sky by chem trails, now known as geo-engineering.

If 5G can influence the weather, then it follows that it could be used to influence us, to affect the way we think.

Cures could stop the vaccine

CDS is important as an alternative to vaccination. As long as there is no cure on offer, there will be nothing to stop the roll out of the vaccine.

Vaccine at Best

At best the vaccine will give short term immunity.  But it will undermine our immune system and have undesired side effects.

  • Old people, who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine for 5 years, are 5 times more likely to get Alzheimers, according to one study.
  • Children , who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine, are much more likely to get a flu like virus.

The Corona Virus is expected to mutate you will need a vaccine more than once, possibly every year.

Civil Liberties

A vaccine will have a massive impact on civil liberties.

In Spain, they plan to prevent children from going to school, who have not be vaccinated.  At the same time, they plan to obstruct home schooling and prevent parents from taking their children out of school.  They are talking of taking children away from their parents who won’t let them be vaccinated.

It is possible that adults will not be allowed to use public transport or take an aeroplane flight, if they have not been vaccinated.

Vaccine at Worst

At worst, the vaccine will have a sterilising effect.  Some contend that the vaccine is not just a money making scheme; rather it will be a way to reduce the growth in population.   The vaccine could also change one’s DNA, to make you traceable and to connect you to the 5G network.  Through this it will be possible to implant ideas in your brain, that you think are your own.  The next step would be to get Artificial Intelligence into the human brain.

This comes back to CDS and the cures.

Give people a cure and they won’t need to be vaccinated.