No – Immunisation appears not to be the only function of the covax. The contents of the covax have never been made public. So it is not clear what else Covax is doing. But it is clear from video evidence that Covax is planting something like a computer nano-chip in the body.
In the day following your jab, your arm will have a concentration of metallic particles, that will attract a magnet.
After the jab, your electro-magnetic field is no longer ‘natural’. It follows that you will be more sensitive to electro-magnetic signals, as emitted such as 5G.
5G is known to be used to influence weather, when directed to the nano-particles in the sky by chem trails, now known as geo-engineering.
If 5G can influence the weather, then it follows that it could be used to influence us, to affect the way we think.