Category Archives: 5G EMF

Is snake venom a cause of Covid?

YES – Covid Symptoms can be caused by snake venom which has been found in people with covid and in the covid vaccine spike protein.

Snake Venom in the covid vaccine spike protein

It is hard to believe, but numerous studies state that the Vaccine spike protein contains snake venom or something homologous to it. Also people with covid have been found to affected by snake venom.

Homologous means “having a similar position, structure, value, or purpose” according to the Cambridge dictionary; or in other words “the same”.   What they have found is that the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein contains snake venom or more likely laboratory created synthetic snake venom.

In January 2020 a BMJ Report stated that “an amino acid sequence on the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein was found to be homologous to a sequence of a snake venom neurotoxin ”

In January 2020, The Scientific American reported that “Snakes Could Be the Original Source of the New Coronavirus Outbreak in China. A study of the virus’s genetic sequence suggests similarities to that seen in snakes, but the origin must still be verified”.  The chinese Krait and Cobra are mentioned.

In August 2020, the US National Library of Medicine study stated that “we examined and identified a ‘toxin-like’ amino acid (aa) sequence in the Receptor Binding Domain of the Spike Glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 (aa 375–390), which is homologous to a sequence of the Neurotoxin homolog NL1, one of the many snake venom toxins that are known to interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).”

In September 2021, “University of Arizona researchers led by Dr Floyd Chilton found a link between COVID deaths and snake veno,” finding “evidence that there was an enzyme, a snake-like enzyme, in the blood of people”.

In September 2022, Europe PMC found that “analyzing the amino-acid (aa) sequence alignment of the motifs found in toxins from snakes of the Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera in the G-ectodomains of three rabies lyssavirus (formerly rabies virus) (RABV) strains55 or muscarinic toxin-like protein and cobratoxin (naja siamensis)28 and comparing it to the motifs in spike glycoprotein (SGP) from SARS-CoV-228,55 revealed profound similarities between the highly nAChR affine toxins and SARS-CoV-2 specific proteins”

In May 2023, a PUBMED report stated that “SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain targets α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. The SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein contains a neurotoxin-like region that has sequence similarities to the rabies virus and the HIV glycoproteins, as well as to snake neurotoxins, which interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor”

The presence of a snake venom look-alike in Covid or the Covid vaccine may be mind boggling.  But the five serious studies linked to above are difficult to ignore, though there is no shortage of official sites that cannot see the link between snake venom and covid.


Snake venom may or may not be a root cause of Covid-19.  Nicotine may not help every covid sufferer.  But if you are suffering from Covid or long covid, then why not try out Nicotine for a week and see what happens.

Is Agenda30 good for humanity?

NO – Words like Equity and Sustainability may say ‘Yes’.  But the actions say ‘No’ – viz toxic Chemtrails, brain-numbing 5G radiation, damaging vaccines.

Agenda30 aims to reduce world population

A declared aim of the WEF and others is to reduce the world population.  In the old days, millions died in wars, thus reducing the population.   If the vaccine simply killed off the weak and reduced fertility, as it does, humanity would perhaps benefit in the long run.  But it is more than that.

Agenda30 also aims to enslave humanity

But the vaccine, the chemtrails and 5G towers do much more than that.  The vaccine is changing our DNA.  The graphene in the vaccine and in the air we breath (thanks to the chemtrails) is turning humans into receptors.  The 5G towers are the transmitters of electromagnetic frequencies that are received by the graphene and affect the way people think.  Within a generation, transhumanism will be a reality and humans will be on the way to becoming automatons.


15 Minute Cities, a step towards totalitarianism

The 15 minute cities are just the start.  Once we are conditioned to restricted movement, the rules will be tightened up and in no time we will be living in ghettos, that will be akin to prisons.  Add to this video surveillance, digital currency, a social point system and a digital passport; and life will be quite different.

Agenda30 is a step towards totalitarianism .   It is time to say ‘No’.

Is 5G EMF bad for the health?

YES – 5G EMF is bad for the health, as reported in numerous studies, led by the   86% of cases were adversely affected by ELF (Extremely Low Frequency – 3-30 Hz) or  EMF (Electromagnetic Field)  in 4 different studies over a total of 767 cases.

Bioinitiative test results
Bioinitiative test results summary

Click bioinitiative to see the results in detail.

EMF – ElectroMagnetic Fields – Compared

EMF is  measured in Volts per metre  (V/m), with power density measured as microwatt  per square centimetre   ( µW/cm)

Independent scientific bodies recommended a V/m of less than 1 V.m and a  µW/cmof 10 or less. The official organ, the ICNIRP, specified no clear limits.  These limits were set before the hi-tec boom.  EMF readings are now as much as 4 V/m in a home.

But the real cause for concern are the EMF readings generated around 5G towers.  The following table shows that  the EMF readings near a 5G tower are over 150 times the typical reading in a home.


You can scroll down to see images of the various readings.

5G EMF is a danger to health

The ICNIRP advises that it is not clear that EMF causes health problems.  But we know that EMF does have an effect on the human body.  Electro-magnets are used all the time in hospitals “to help in healing bone fractures, to heal wounds to the skin and underlying tissues, to reduce pain and swelling, and for other postsurgical needs. Some forms of EMFs exposure are used to treat depression. EMFs have been shown to be effective in treating conditions of disease at energy levels far below current public exposure standards. This leads to the obvious question. How can scientists dispute the harmful effects of EMF exposures while at the same time using forms of EMF treatment that are proven to heal the body?”  the statement above is taken from page 26 of the 1557 page report put together by Bioinitoative.

Visit to see the report or you can download
Bioinitiative Report 2012 here.

Editor’s comment

5G is known to cause symptoms very similar to Covid –  headaches, brain fog and respiratory sickness.   The only thing missing is loss of taste and smell.  The massive increase in EMF caused by 5G may well trigger new waves of Covid, that could be used as justification for further lockdowns – may God forbid.

In most countries there is an Ombudsman or Office for Consumer Protector.  If you want to help, you could (1)  buy an EMF reader (2) take readings in your home and (3)  send a complaint to Consumer Protection.   Especially If you live on a top floor, where you will be exposed to more 5G EMF.

EMF Readings

The V/m volts per metre of the 5G towers is 156 times higher than in a normal home. But even more shocking is the Power density. The Microwatts per square centimetre (µW/cm2) is 10 times higher than we measured under a big electricity pylon. Living under a pylon is widely known to be unhealthy. Living near 5G is like living near an enormous pylon.

The readings in the centre of Valencia were first posted on Telegram, by a local hero.  Click on the image below to see excerpts from the original video.

Movistar & Orange mobile 5G towers
Movistar & Orange mobile 5G towers by Estacion Nord, Valencia
Movistar mobile 5G tower
Movistar mobile 5G tower in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Valencia

EMF Casa                                                                                            EMF La Patacona

EMF by an electricity pylon
EMF by an electricity pylon

Is the Trump dream over?

Maybe NOT – It seemed to be over. Trump’s broadcast in January 2022, that the covid vaccine developed in his presidency was  “one of the greatest achievements of mankind”, seemed to put him firmly in the same camp as Biden and the Globalists.

In a December 2021 interview,  Trump stated that “The vaccines work – If you take the vaccine you are protected” and “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”  The interview is discussed at length on NaturalNews.

Great achievements don’t kill tens of thousands of people

Mike Adams, aka the Health Ranger, is the food scientist responsible for He has been consistently anti-vax and if anything pro-Trump.  But in a compelling podcast, he sees that the Freedom Movement has been tricked,  that Trump is just another actor in the Globalists’ drama, and  that we should expect nothing from him.

Pushing forward to vaccine was necessary to prevent a 2 year lockdown

The counter argument is that without the vaccine, The lockdown would have been extended and  economies ruined, making the way for the New World Order.  This is put forward convincingly by stopworldcontrol

Trump supported Geo-engineering

If the vaccine was not enough, it turn out the Trump  gave the go-ahead for geo-engineering in 2017 according to the Guardian.  Money was then poured into it, as per technologyreview.

For Freedom lovers, Geo-engineering is putting heavy metal nano-particles in the atmosphere that are breathed in by us,  turning us into receptors and more easily controlled by 5G

Trump supported 5G

Even worse, Trump supported the roll out of 5G according to the trumpwhitehouse.archives.  For many freedom lovers, 5G is seen as the tool to enforce total surveillance at least, and possibly mind control.  It is difficult to see how Trump’s 5G can be benign.

Trump did NOT go to War

Under Trump, there were no new wars, and he brought to an end the strife in Syria.  In contrast, Obama  escalated the conflict in Syria, all but created Isis by funding the ‘rebels’.  Biden has taken War to a new level, with billlions of dollars going into the Ukraine fiasco. Thousands a dieing as the US arms manufacturers gets richer.

A Ray of Hope for Freedom Lovers?

Basically Trump pushed forward the three most controversial projects – the vaccine, geo-engineering and 5G.   But there are some who still say that Trump is a good thing, principally Kerry Cassidy.  Click Project Camelot for her take on it all.


Pontevedra, Galicia – Corona Virus or 5G syndrome?

It has long been accepted that corona viruses do not like the heat, which is why you rarely see cases of flu in the summer.  So could it be that 5G syndrome is causing the covid surges in Pontevedra?

Almost everyone is standing on their head trying to convince us that this corona virus is different and can come on strong in the height of the summer.  But there seems to be no scientific explanation as to how this can be.

5G the cause?

There is another explanation for the summer surges in Covid staring us in the face, namely 5G.   Pontevedra has gone from having no 5G in 2019 to having 625+ 5G points according to the Ookla-5G-map

Pontevedra Covid vs 5G towers

The Covid map comes from  It is clear that there is higher covid, where there is lots of 5G

Dangers of 5G

There are numerous websites warning of the dangers of 5G syndrome.  Put “5G symptoms”  into your browser and you will be surprised what you find.  Sites worth a visit include:-

Political action needed

The maps show that there is a clear correlaction between 5G and Covid.  local politicians should take appropriate action to protect their electorate.  For example shut down 5G in selected areas  for at least 6 months, and see how the shut down affects the covid figures.


Valencia Summer Covid – Corona Virus or 5G syndrome?

It has long been accepted that corona viruses do not like the heat, which is why you rarely see cases of flu in the summer.  So could it be that 5G syndrome is causing the covid surges in Valencia?

Almost everyone is standing on their head trying to convince us that this corona virus is different and can come on strong in the height of the summer.  But there seems to be no scientific explanation as to how this can be, unless the covid corona virus is indeed a bio-weapon, in which case normal rules for viruses wont apply.

5G the cause?

An explanation for the summer surges in Covid is staring us in the face, namely 5G.   Valencia has gone from having no 5G in 2019 to having 55+ 5G points according to the Ookla-5G-map

Valencia had 55+ 5G points in July 2021

Valencia has gone from having relatively low Covid figures to becoming a hot spot.  Most people are worried and continue to wear a mask on the street, even though it is no longer obligatory.

Dangers of 5G

There are numerous websites warning of the dangers of 5G syndrome.  Put “5G symptoms”  into your browser and you will be surprised what you find.  Sites worth a visit include:-

The Way Forward

Local Covid  hotspots need to be analysed.   The distance between the home address of covid patients in hospital and the nearest 5G tower should be recorded.    It would be interesting to know the percentage within 100 metres, between 101 and 200 metres  etc.

Political action needed

If the results show that there is a correlaction between 5G and Covid, local politicians should take the appropriate action to protect their electorate.   For example, turn off 5G in selected areas for at least 6 months and see how the shutdown affects the Covid numbers.

5G Tower Updates

If you know of a 5G tower that is not on the above map, please add a comment below with the location.

Is summer covid a G5 sickness or a corona virus disease?

Summer Covid is almost certainly a 5G phenomena.  Given that a corona virus is stronger in the cold than in the hot months,  it is extremely unlikely that the surge in covid in the summer months could be  caused by the Wuhan corona virus coming on stronger than it was in the cold months.

To see if there might be a relationship between 5G and the surges in ‘Covid’, we looked at the hot spot countries to see whether they had recently implemented 5G.  The countries studied were as follows:-


Country with link to 5G report Covid Statistics to July 2021.
click image to enlarge
Argentina –  launches G5 in 2021 argentina-stats-2021
Armenia –  Starts G5 testing in 2020 armenia-stats-2021
Australia –  launches G5 in 2020
Bahrain –  launches G5 in 2021 bahrain-stats-2021
Colombia-  Starts G5 testing in 2020 colombia-stats-2021
Cuba –  launches G5 in 2021 cuba-stats-2021
Cyprus –  launches G5 in 2021
Finland –  launches G5 in 2021
India –  launches G5 in 2021
Israel –  launches G5 in 2020
Italy –  launches G5 in 2019
Japan –  launches G5 in 2020
Kenya  –  launches G5 in 2021
Mongolia  –  launches G5 in 2020
Namibia –  launches G5 in 2020
Nepal –  launches G5 in 2021
Singapore –  launches G5 in 2020
South Africa –  launches G5 in 2021
Spain –  launches G5 in 2020
Switzerland –  launches G5 in 2019
Taiwan –  launches G5 in 2021
Tunisia –  launches G5 in 2021
UK –  launches G5 in 2020

Covid in the Heat

Most of the countries above are in the northern hemisphere and in summer at the time of writing.  Nevertheless most have been identified as Covid hotspots by  IbiTimes or Gsmarena.

Corona viruses, like the flu virus, do not like hot temperatures.  This suggests that the increase in ‘covid-like’ cases were actually disorder provoked by 5G.  It seems that 5G does not just weaken the immune system making us more vulnerable;  5G actually provokes the symptoms and deaths that are attributed to  Covid.

Death Rates

The death rate in all countries has been very low – see the red line –  but this is expected to change.  It takes about 6 months before people start dieing from the effects of G5.

The Way Forward

Local Covid  hotpsot need to be analysed.   The distance between the home address of covid patients in hospital and the nearest 5G tower should be recorded.    It would be interesting to know the percentage within 100 metres, between 101 and 200 metres  etc.

If the results show that there is a correlaction between 5G and Covid, local politicians should take the appropriate action to protect their electorate and improve their chances of winning the next election.


Can 5G induce Covid symptoms?

Yes – The offcial line is that 5G has nothing to do with Covid. But the Covid death rates in 5G hot spots like Milan, Madrid and London suggest otherwise.

Here is a video from an ex-Vodafone whistle blower who explains how 5G is much more than a means to make your mobile downloads quicker.


Covid exists without 5G

The experience of Bolivia and other countries in Latin America tells us that a Covid virus really does exist.  Bolivia etc had many Covid deaths in their winter, in spite of not having 5G.   It seems certain that a patented corona virus escaped from the Wuhan laboratory. Nevertheless …..

Covid is a mask for 5G

Covid is more severe in cities with 5G.  The ‘virus’ seems more virulent and more difficult to recover from.     It seems that 5G does not just weaken the immune system making us more vulnerable;  5G actually provokes the symptoms and deaths that are attributed to  Covid.

This would explain what is happening in Singapore.   Before May 2021, there was hardly any covid in Singapore.  This was to be expected, as Singapore is a very hot country , and a corona virus does not like heat.  Who has heard of someone getting the flu (another corona virus) in summer?  However Singtel Launched 5G in May 2021 and since then ‘Covid’ cases have gone up.

Singapore statistics to July 2021 from

The story is similar in Kenya.   Safaricom launched 5G in March 2021 and the Covid cases have gone up

Kenya ‘covid’ stats to july 2021

Israel launched 5G in September 2020.  Inspite of mass vaccinations and a hot climate,  covid cases have gone up.

Isreal Covid stats to July 2021 with cases up after launch of 5G in September 2020

The death rate in all three countries has been very low – see the red line –  but this will change.  It takes about 6 months before people start dieing from the effects of G5.

Janet Ossebaard, a top researcher from the Netherlands explores this idea and many more in her 4 part exposé on Covid19.  Click Covid19-documentary to see Part l.

G5 kills birds and bees

Birds  and bees have been found dead near the G5 towers.

G5 dead birds
Over 300 birds were found dead after the 5G mast was switched on in Llandudno, Anglesey UK.

See North Wales News for the full story.  Vodafone of course deny it has anything to do with 5G.   search google images for “G5 birds dead” and you will see many more images.

G5 kills bees

See macdailynews for the story about 100s of dead bees near 5G masts in California.   search google images for “G5 bees dead” and you will see many more images.

Needless to say that the sponsored fact checker web sites say that there are no links between bird and bee death and 5G.  But there have been no scientific tests to prove that 5G is safe,  only the opinion of experts who are largely financed by the 5G establishment.

Click CDS Reports in English to see links to Parts 2 to 4