YES – 5G EMF is bad for the health, as reported in numerous studies, led by the 86% of cases were adversely affected by ELF (Extremely Low Frequency – 3-30 Hz) or EMF (Electromagnetic Field) in 4 different studies over a total of 767 cases.
Click bioinitiative to see the results in detail.
EMF – ElectroMagnetic Fields – Compared
EMF is measured in Volts per metre (V/m), with power density measured as microwatt per square centimetre ( µW/cm2 )
Independent scientific bodies recommended a V/m of less than 1 V.m and a µW/cm2 of 10 or less. The official organ, the ICNIRP, specified no clear limits. These limits were set before the hi-tec boom. EMF readings are now as much as 4 V/m in a home.
But the real cause for concern are the EMF readings generated around 5G towers. The following table shows that the EMF readings near a 5G tower are over 150 times the typical reading in a home.
You can scroll down to see images of the various readings.
5G EMF is a danger to health
The ICNIRP advises that it is not clear that EMF causes health problems. But we know that EMF does have an effect on the human body. Electro-magnets are used all the time in hospitals “to help in healing bone fractures, to heal wounds to the skin and underlying tissues, to reduce pain and swelling, and for other postsurgical needs. Some forms of EMFs exposure are used to treat depression. EMFs have been shown to be effective in treating conditions of disease at energy levels far below current public exposure standards. This leads to the obvious question. How can scientists dispute the harmful effects of EMF exposures while at the same time using forms of EMF treatment that are proven to heal the body?” the statement above is taken from page 26 of the 1557 page report put together by Bioinitoative.
Visit to see the report or you can download
Bioinitiative Report 2012 here.
Editor’s comment
5G is known to cause symptoms very similar to Covid – headaches, brain fog and respiratory sickness. The only thing missing is loss of taste and smell. The massive increase in EMF caused by 5G may well trigger new waves of Covid, that could be used as justification for further lockdowns – may God forbid.
In most countries there is an Ombudsman or Office for Consumer Protector. If you want to help, you could (1) buy an EMF reader (2) take readings in your home and (3) send a complaint to Consumer Protection. Especially If you live on a top floor, where you will be exposed to more 5G EMF.
EMF Readings
The V/m volts per metre of the 5G towers is 156 times higher than in a normal home. But even more shocking is the Power density. The Microwatts per square centimetre (µW/cm2) is 10 times higher than we measured under a big electricity pylon. Living under a pylon is widely known to be unhealthy. Living near 5G is like living near an enormous pylon.
The readings in the centre of Valencia were first posted on Telegram, by a local hero. Click on the image below to see excerpts from the original video.