Another way to increase your pH is drinking 100ml lemon & garlic extract three times a day. Cancer cannot live in an Alkaline envirmonment – ie a body with pH 7.4 or over.
In experiments on mice, cancer tumours shrank up to 91% after just 2 weeks of Lemon & Garlic
Lemon & Garlic Recipe
The ratio of lemons to garlic should be 3:1
Ie 300g of lemons to 100g Garlic which equals 4 lemons to 3 bulbs of garlic more or less
Peel and chop the garlic, let sit for 10-20 minutes.
Put together with inpeeled lemons in 16oz / 475ml water
YES – Cancer can be prevented in by a daily dose of Bicarbonate , especially when you follow a low sugar diet.
Cancer likes
Cancer likes sugar and acid forming foods. Alcohol and red meat are acid forming. Cancer likes a Low pH acidic body.
Cancer dislikes
Cancer cells cannot live with high pH of alkalinity. The natural human pH is 7.4
Cancer Prevention
Keep your body just above pH 7.4 with a daily dose of bicarbonate of soda. A popular mix is a teaspoon of organic bicarbonate of soda in a third of a glass of boiling water. When bubbles have subsided, add a splash of honey , a few drops of iodine (optional) and top up with cold water. Stir and down in one. Best taken after a meal. Bicarbonate of soda is super alkaline.
Supermarket Bicarbonate of soda has additives, even aluminum. So best to use ecological bicarb if you can. But Supermarket Bicarb is much better then nothing.
Vaccines damage the immune system
Cancer cells form every day in almost every body, and are promptly killed by the immune system, especially when you are young.
However vaccines damage your natural immune system, especially the MRNA covid vaccine. Best to avoid almost all vaccines .
Bicarbonate Dose
If you have been vaccinated, then maybe you should be taking Bicarbonate twice a day.
To avoid overdoing it, you should have a day or two off every week. Super high pH leads to Alkalinosis, which is to be avoided. You will not feel well with head aches. So you will have plenty of warning that you need to take less bicarb.
YES – CDS + DMSO + BoS can help most things. The one thing they have in common is that they are not patented and do not belong to big pharma.
CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution), DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) and BoS (Bicarbonate of Soda) are good for the conditions that you doctor cannot help you with. DMSO is a proven pain killer and is used much in creams.
The best way of taking them is as follows:-
But only by someone who knows what they are doing.
BY INGESTION – as a drink
CDS is best taken on an empty stomach. So you could start your day with 4 gulps of CDS. Then take a swig now and again when you feel thirsty.
DMSO + BoS are best taken after a light meal – I prepare the concoction before breakfast and have it after breakfast has settled down. I put 5-10 drops of DMSO and 1 tsp of BoS in a glass with a splash of honey and lots of water. This can be done 2 or 3 times in a day.
DMSO at tea time. 5-10 drops in mint, black or pine needle tea.
TOPICALLY – on the skin
CDS can be sprayed on a wound or a sore throat to kill bacteria & viruses, see CDS Spray.
DMSO can be painted or rubbed onto the skin where it hurts 3 or 4 times a day. Important – the 99.9% DMSO should be reduced to 75-85% by adding some water to a separate container, preferably a dark glass bottle. The DMSO should be applied after the heat has subsided. It is not unusual for untreatable conditions to disappear after a month of applying DMSO topically.
BoS can be a made into a paste – with a ratio of 1 BoS to 2 water – and spread on the skin
YES – ph medicine combats cancer and covid. Bicarbonate of soda / baking soda raises pH and prevents an acid environment, which pathogens need to thrive.
Ph Medicine or Bicarbonate Medicine is championed by Dr Mark Sircus, Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine. Dr Sircus’ latest book “Bicarbonate Medicine’ tells all – available on Kindle. You can find out more on and on Dr Sircus’ Living a longer life.
CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is another Ph Medicine . Like Bicarbonates, CDS only attacks low Ph/ acidic pathogens.
Bicarbonate of Soda (BoS) eliminates a cancerous tumour
Bicarbonate of Soda mixed with Molasses, Honey or Maple Syrup taken three times a day for 10 days will raise your pH to over 8. The alkalinity then kill cancer cells.
The sweetness of the molasses opens the cancer cells. The BoS increases the pH that kills them.
To control your pH, you need a pack of test strips.
A 10 day cancer cure ?!?
Day 1-2 1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 2 x a day
Day 3-4 1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day
Day5-10 2 tsp BoS, 2 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day Day 5-10 reduce to 2 x a day if you have to.
This is not medical advice, as most doctors do not know about this. This is refinement of the steps Vernon Tullis used to cure himself of cancer. See Dr Sircus’ book for more.
ph Level Test
the first step is to test your pH level. see for how to test your pH level. The Urinalysis Reagent Strips from ACCUDOCTOR are easy to use. they test for 12 different things including pH. they are available from Amazon. See below for some real results.
Anything more then 7.4 is good news – alkaline not acid. The colour on the strip indicates a pH of 6, which is normal first thing in the morning. For a more accurate view, you should test after lunch.
Alkalizing Foods
According to Greenopedia, “A balanced diet equates to roughly 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods.”