Cures could stop the vaccine

CDS is important as an alternative to vaccination. As long as there is no cure on offer, there will be nothing to stop the roll out of the vaccine.

Vaccine at Best

At best the vaccine will give short term immunity.  But it will undermine our immune system and have undesired side effects.

  • Old people, who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine for 5 years, are 5 times more likely to get Alzheimers, according to one study.
  • Children , who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine, are much more likely to get a flu like virus.

The Corona Virus is expected to mutate you will need a vaccine more than once, possibly every year.

Civil Liberties

A vaccine will have a massive impact on civil liberties.

In Spain, they plan to prevent children from going to school, who have not be vaccinated.  At the same time, they plan to obstruct home schooling and prevent parents from taking their children out of school.  They are talking of taking children away from their parents who won’t let them be vaccinated.

It is possible that adults will not be allowed to use public transport or take an aeroplane flight, if they have not been vaccinated.

Vaccine at Worst

At worst, the vaccine will have a sterilising effect.  Some contend that the vaccine is not just a money making scheme; rather it will be a way to reduce the growth in population.   The vaccine could also change one’s DNA, to make you traceable and to connect you to the 5G network.  Through this it will be possible to implant ideas in your brain, that you think are your own.  The next step would be to get Artificial Intelligence into the human brain.

This comes back to CDS and the cures.

Give people a cure and they won’t need to be vaccinated.


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