Where to buy a covid treatment?

Where to buy HCQ – Hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine is widely available on the Internet, from sites such as  hydroxychloroquine24h.com or
Offshorecheapmeds or

HCQ is an easy to take pill, that requires no special preparation.  Offshorecheapmeds asks for a doctor’s prescription.

HCQ is used to treat Lupus.  If you go to a pharmacy and say you have lost your prescription – quite possible if you have lupus – there is a good chance that they will sell you a packet.

Where to buy Ivermectin

Ivermectin is used to treat parasites in dogs!  So borrow a dog, go to a vet and ask for a prescription for Ivermectin.

You can buy on-line from  iveromectin, which redirects you to HappyShopper.

Where to buy CDS – Chlorine dioxide Solution

Chlorine dioxide Solution is not a pharmaceutical product, so you cannot get it from the  chemists.  But you can get ´medicinal´ Chlorine dioxide on-line.  Chlorine dioxide is sold widely as a water purifier in pill form, which is not what you want.

Where to buy CDS Ready to Use

If you do not already have CDS prepared, it is quickest to buy it on-line ready to use from

Spain/EU – dioxilife.com   or  activatedmineralsolution.com

USA –   mmshealthy4life   for delivery to the UK

Where to buy the CDS Kit

Spain/EU – dioxilife.com   or  activatedmineralsolution.com or

UK – atlantiswps.com    They do not give their address on the website, but they assured me that they were based in the UK

Click  How to make CDS – see Kalcker video  or contact me through the contact form

click Covid Protocol for info on the Protocols to follow

The best way to keep safe from Covid is keep a bottle of CDS (Chlorin Dioxide Solution)  in the fridge ready to go.


CDS is an energiser and is successful in treating a range of conditions and illnesses.  So if you other health issues, then CDS is worth the extra effort.

For instant protection against covid,  HCQ is the easiest treatment, especially if you have a delicate stomach, which will make CDS difficult to take initially.

Editor´s note :  I have a genetic neuroligical condition that is on hold thanks to CDS.   I reckon that CDS will prolong my useful life.

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