Category Archives: Covid19

Are Covid-Sars2 and the Covid MRNA vaccines bio-weapons?

YES – Covid-Sars2 and the Covid MRNA vaccines are bio-weapons as evidenced by Dr Michael McDowell.   Click on the photo for a must see and share video.

Click to see Dr Michael McDowell’s video

Dr Francis Boyle denounces bio-weapons

He quotes Dr Francis Boyle, the framer of the Bio-weapons Anti-terrorism Act that was put into law in 1990 during the Bush administration.  In February 2020, Dr Boyle is on record  as saying that “Sars Covid2 is an offensive biological warfare agent, made in a lab and engineered with gain of function properties”.

This expains why it is impossible to isolate the Covid corona virus. This is no common virus; it’s much much worse.

The vaccine stops your immune system from protecting you from Covid Variants

if you have been vaccinated, your innate immune system may not be able to protect you from the 100+ variants that exist.  Best to keep a cure to hand, in case you get a fever.  see  Virus Treatments  for remedies.

Is Chlorine Dioxide the same as bleach?

No – Chlorine Dioxide  is NOT bleach.  Medicinal Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is 1% Chlorine Dioxide  to 99% water.  Taken correctly it is no way toxic.  Bleach is Hyperchlorite, which is  very different from Chlorine Doxide.

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is an oxidising agent derived from chlorine (Cl);   1 atom of chlorine and 2 atoms of oxygen.  In its concentrated form, Chlorine Dioxide is  known to kill viruses and is used widely to purify water .

Bleach is Hyperchlorite, which is very different from chlorine, which is very different from Chlorine Doxide. Medicinal Chlorine Doxide Solution (CDS) is a diluted solution of Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Doxide can be taken in two ways as a …..

  • CDS liquid gas (ie gas dissolved in water – The Kalcker method)
  • MMS drops dissolved in water, as a drink or as a spray.

MMS – Master/Miracle Mineral Solution

MMS or Master/Miracle Mineral Solution was discovered over 40 years ago by Jim Humble, while exploring in Africa, some of his team went down with Malaria. He mixed water purifier which a little water and hey presto the malaria went away. Since them MMS has been found to be a good treatment for numerous other conditions from Autism to Arthritis to Alzheimers.

The US government would never have authorised a trial of CDS, if it was dangerous to consume.  The daily dose specified in the government trial, detailed below, is a few drops in a litre of water, and cannot be compared to drinking chlorine or bleach.

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) Trial

Early in 2020, CDS was recognised as a possible treatment for Covid19  and a CDS trial was planned. See Government Trial  for details.

The Doctor in charge of the trial was named as Dr Eduardo Insignares,   Dr Insignares has been a champion of CDS and has been obstructed in the study by the Columbian government that prohibited the use of CDS.

Nevertheless Dr Insignares has persevered and in this video  he confirms that CDS really works.  See
Dr Eduardo Insignares 

At the end of August 2020 there are no sign of results and questions are being raised.   See Maldita report in Spanish.  Maldita is a typical ‘truth’ site , full of misinformation.

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) Daily Dose

The trial defined the dose to be used on the 20 patients as  “10 ml of 3000 ppm chlorine dioxide are added to 1 liter of water, per day. One part is taken every hour, until the content of the bottle is finished (8 to 12 shots).   Both the original dioxide bottle and the preparation for the day should be kept refrigerated.”

If you are taking other medication, start off with 5ml in  a litre of water.  For the first few days, it may upset your stomach, so make sure that your stomach is not completely empty ..  and reduce the frequency of taking CDS.  The most important thing is sticking with it.

5ml is an almost homeopathic dose – 0.5% chlorine dioxide, 99.5% water, and no side effects are expected.  Like aspirin, it is quite safe to take the suggested dose; but if you drink straight from the bottle without diluting it, you are being irresponsible and asking for big trouble.

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) cures Covid19

Andreas Ludvig Kalcker, trained in Alicante, Spain and has been leading the charge to get CDS accepted and used.  He has 100+ Covid19 cases that have recovered with CDS.  the  AndreasKalcker website includes a protocol on how to take CDS (reproduced below) and even tells you how to make it. see How to make CDS.

protocolo-cds-covid19Click How to use CDS for a clear video in Spanish.

CDS  Open Patent

Kalcker developed and patented the method of production of medicinal CDS; with an OPEN patent, so anyone may freely produce CDS. He effectively gifted CDS to th world, which makes him a true Hero of the 21st century.

CDS is not a hoax

CDS works for many, and could work for many more, if doctors were allowed to prescribe it.  No only is it a cure, but  it prevents the virus by strengthening the immune system.

See also Vaccine or Cure

Can one live fear-free in a pandemic?

Yes – You can live  fear-free in a pandemic, by avoiding the cause of that fear.   This is best done by having a Covid Cure on hand.

The SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Exists

Anyone who says that the virus does not exist, has not gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one to it.   Everyone knows about the patents, how it started in America, then got moved to Wuhan when Congress made the research illegal.

So it’s hard not to fear it, especially with the over-the-top media coverage and the excessive government action.   Before 2020, you would have been laughed at, if you had suggested locking down healthy people and making them wear masks.

The Biggest Enemy is Fear

Fear weakens you.  It affects your  vitality and weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to external forces, such as bacteria, viruses or 5G electromagnetic radiation.

The vaccine makes you feel more secure

Many now feel more comfortable now that they have had the covax.  It may be less likely that they catch the virus , but they could still catch it.  The resulting covid should be quite mild.  But if  pathogenic priming / anti-body enhancement is a reality, it could be terminal.

So even if you have had the covax, fear wont be far away, unless you take action.

Eliminate the cause of fear.

The only way to eliminate fear is to eliminate the cause of the fear, by having a Covid Cure on hand.  The powers that be want you to believe that there is no easy cure for covid.  But this simply is not true.  On this site, you can read the experience of many doctors,  who spend their time curing the supposedly incurable.

Two ways to get away from fear is
1) Take a prophelactic to prevent you catching the virus.   CDS and HCQ are both prophelactics.
2) Invest in a Covid Cure and keep it in the fridge or the medicine cupboard.  So the  moment you feel a fever coming on, you can take the treatment and stop the virus before it becomes a serious problem.

Covid Cures

CDS is not the only cure. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin both cure covid.  Both work well with Zinc supplement. But they are  difficult to obtain, because doctors in most countries are not allowed to prescribe them.

Apart from CDS which you can make yourself, the cure that is easiest to use is the Zelenko Protocol, which comprises Quercetin and Zinc…both available without prescription.   Click Covid Cures for more information.

To live a normal life fear-free,  you need to have a cure to hand.   The important thing is to be able to stop it before it gets going.

Otherwise you are at risk, which means living in fear.

My personal experience

I have been taking CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution) daily since november 2020 and since then have had NO FEAR.

I first started with CDS when I taken by a fever one afternoon in November.  We had CDS in the fridge – my wife had been taking it for hyper-thyroidism.  She prepared a litre bottle of mineral water with 10ml of CDS, which I took on the hour every hour for 10 hours.

The fever was gone by the next day and the day after I was back to normal.

Since then I have been taking CDS 2 or 3 times a day to treat a neurological condition; comfortable in the thought that I was also  protected from the dread virus.


Is Covax supported by Science?

NO – Covax is not supported by Science, according to Independent Doctors & Scientists.  the vaccine  causes Pathogenic priming  / Antibody dependent Enhancement .. very bad news if you come into contact with corona virus.

Mike Yeadon, ex Pfizer Vice President and top virologist begs you to stop taking the virus.  If you have had covid, you are protected from all variants.  The vaccine is not needed; it’s more about depopulation.

Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor of the mRNA vaccine, sits down with Del Bigtree in July 2021 to give his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against COVID-19 and, in particular, the extreme danger it poses to young people;  the dangers of the spike protein, which is much more than a antigen;  the fact that the spike protein  opens the blood brain barrier.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko developed the Zinc Quercetin protocol to cure covid.   He denounces the vaccine in the Zelenko-interview. 
Click LaPrensa for the original in Spanish written by Agustina Sucri in August 2021.

Dr Simone Gold the leader of AmericasFrontlineDoctors.  She may not be a Democrat, but that does not stop he from being an outstanding doctor, a doctor who lives the hypocratic oath.

Dr Roger Hodkinson in interview with Kamalpreet Singh talks about variants and how our innate immune system is perfectly capable of dealing with them and how the vaccine is more dangerous than the desease itself.

Are the Unvaccinated a Danger to the Vaccinated?

NO – The Unvaccinated are not a special danger. “The risk that unvaccinated individuals might pose to someone who is fully vaccinated is very minimal.”

July 2021 UK reports that 40% (originally stated as 60%) of new covid admissions in hospital have been people who have been double vaccinated. This indicates that vaccinated are as likely to carry the virus, as the vaccinated .  see lifesitenews for the full story.

Risks ‘quite low’ to ‘very minimal’

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says “if you are near that person (unvaccinated) and you are vaccinated your risk is variously quite low,” CDC is the American Centre for Disease Control.


“The risk that unvaccinated individuals might pose to someone who is fully vaccinated is very minimal.” According to Gillian Conrad, the Communications Director of Berrien County Health Department. See MSN news for the full story.

Others maintain that “The greater the number of unvaccinated people in a community, the more opportunity germs have to spread.” This was written in 2017 for the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, well before covid and the dread MRNA shot.

If unwell, keep to yourself

If you get ill, it is important to stay away from other people, so the germs can’t spread. This is true for the vaccinated , as well as the unvaccinated.

But if you have been taking CDS as a prophelactic, it is extremely unlikely or even impossible that you could be affected by the corona virus.

Maybe the Vaccinated are the danger

Finally many would maintain that vaccinated are a danger to the unvaccinated, not the other way round. ElColectivodeUno cites a Pfizer document that acknowledges that anyone could be exposed to the vaccine spike proteins by inhalation or skin contact… See FCP article on shedding for more.

To take the shot or Not is a Personal Choice

The Anti-Vax think someone crazy to take the shot.  The Vaccinated think the same about the Unvaccinated.  It can drive friends and family apart.

It is up to us all not to let this happen.  It is important for our individual wellbeing that we keep in touch literally.  We all need a good hug from our loved ones now and again.

Does Covax cause blood clots?

YES – There is incontrovertible evidence that Covax causes blood clots.  Symptoms include feeling unusually cold, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. It can result in an aneurism.

Genengnews is one of many sites confirming the link between the vaccine and blood clots.

Even Snopes fact checker, the go-to site for the official line, could not say that claims that the vaccine caused blood clots were False.

We all know someone who is suffering from blood clotting. Symptoms include feeling unusually cold, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. It can result in an aneurism – ie an abnormal bulge or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel. An aneurysm can burst, causing internal bleeding and often leading to death.

If you have had the vaccine , so be it.  But before you have another one, please watch this Vaccine & Blood Clots video. The presentation is somewhat over the top and it is rather anti-Jew… not all jews , just the ones who are making a fortune out of the vaccine.   But please resist the impulsive urge to switch it off.  It includes a sincere explanation from Dr Charles Hoffe MD of how the active proteins in the vax cause blood clots that kill. He uses the word “terrifying” more than once.


see also  Vaccine Blood Clots – Sudden Death

Pontevedra, Galicia – Corona Virus or 5G syndrome?

It has long been accepted that corona viruses do not like the heat, which is why you rarely see cases of flu in the summer.  So could it be that 5G syndrome is causing the covid surges in Pontevedra?

Almost everyone is standing on their head trying to convince us that this corona virus is different and can come on strong in the height of the summer.  But there seems to be no scientific explanation as to how this can be.

5G the cause?

There is another explanation for the summer surges in Covid staring us in the face, namely 5G.   Pontevedra has gone from having no 5G in 2019 to having 625+ 5G points according to the Ookla-5G-map

Pontevedra Covid vs 5G towers

The Covid map comes from  It is clear that there is higher covid, where there is lots of 5G

Dangers of 5G

There are numerous websites warning of the dangers of 5G syndrome.  Put “5G symptoms”  into your browser and you will be surprised what you find.  Sites worth a visit include:-

Political action needed

The maps show that there is a clear correlaction between 5G and Covid.  local politicians should take appropriate action to protect their electorate.  For example shut down 5G in selected areas  for at least 6 months, and see how the shut down affects the covid figures.


Valencia Summer Covid – Corona Virus or 5G syndrome?

It has long been accepted that corona viruses do not like the heat, which is why you rarely see cases of flu in the summer.  So could it be that 5G syndrome is causing the covid surges in Valencia?

Almost everyone is standing on their head trying to convince us that this corona virus is different and can come on strong in the height of the summer.  But there seems to be no scientific explanation as to how this can be, unless the covid corona virus is indeed a bio-weapon, in which case normal rules for viruses wont apply.

5G the cause?

An explanation for the summer surges in Covid is staring us in the face, namely 5G.   Valencia has gone from having no 5G in 2019 to having 55+ 5G points according to the Ookla-5G-map

Valencia had 55+ 5G points in July 2021

Valencia has gone from having relatively low Covid figures to becoming a hot spot.  Most people are worried and continue to wear a mask on the street, even though it is no longer obligatory.

Dangers of 5G

There are numerous websites warning of the dangers of 5G syndrome.  Put “5G symptoms”  into your browser and you will be surprised what you find.  Sites worth a visit include:-

The Way Forward

Local Covid  hotspots need to be analysed.   The distance between the home address of covid patients in hospital and the nearest 5G tower should be recorded.    It would be interesting to know the percentage within 100 metres, between 101 and 200 metres  etc.

Political action needed

If the results show that there is a correlaction between 5G and Covid, local politicians should take the appropriate action to protect their electorate.   For example, turn off 5G in selected areas for at least 6 months and see how the shutdown affects the Covid numbers.

5G Tower Updates

If you know of a 5G tower that is not on the above map, please add a comment below with the location.

Is summer covid a G5 sickness or a corona virus disease?

Summer Covid is almost certainly a 5G phenomena.  Given that a corona virus is stronger in the cold than in the hot months,  it is extremely unlikely that the surge in covid in the summer months could be  caused by the Wuhan corona virus coming on stronger than it was in the cold months.

To see if there might be a relationship between 5G and the surges in ‘Covid’, we looked at the hot spot countries to see whether they had recently implemented 5G.  The countries studied were as follows:-


Country with link to 5G report Covid Statistics to July 2021.
click image to enlarge
Argentina –  launches G5 in 2021 argentina-stats-2021
Armenia –  Starts G5 testing in 2020 armenia-stats-2021
Australia –  launches G5 in 2020
Bahrain –  launches G5 in 2021 bahrain-stats-2021
Colombia-  Starts G5 testing in 2020 colombia-stats-2021
Cuba –  launches G5 in 2021 cuba-stats-2021
Cyprus –  launches G5 in 2021
Finland –  launches G5 in 2021
India –  launches G5 in 2021
Israel –  launches G5 in 2020
Italy –  launches G5 in 2019
Japan –  launches G5 in 2020
Kenya  –  launches G5 in 2021
Mongolia  –  launches G5 in 2020
Namibia –  launches G5 in 2020
Nepal –  launches G5 in 2021
Singapore –  launches G5 in 2020
South Africa –  launches G5 in 2021
Spain –  launches G5 in 2020
Switzerland –  launches G5 in 2019
Taiwan –  launches G5 in 2021
Tunisia –  launches G5 in 2021
UK –  launches G5 in 2020

Covid in the Heat

Most of the countries above are in the northern hemisphere and in summer at the time of writing.  Nevertheless most have been identified as Covid hotspots by  IbiTimes or Gsmarena.

Corona viruses, like the flu virus, do not like hot temperatures.  This suggests that the increase in ‘covid-like’ cases were actually disorder provoked by 5G.  It seems that 5G does not just weaken the immune system making us more vulnerable;  5G actually provokes the symptoms and deaths that are attributed to  Covid.

Death Rates

The death rate in all countries has been very low – see the red line –  but this is expected to change.  It takes about 6 months before people start dieing from the effects of G5.

The Way Forward

Local Covid  hotpsot need to be analysed.   The distance between the home address of covid patients in hospital and the nearest 5G tower should be recorded.    It would be interesting to know the percentage within 100 metres, between 101 and 200 metres  etc.

If the results show that there is a correlaction between 5G and Covid, local politicians should take the appropriate action to protect their electorate and improve their chances of winning the next election.


Can 5G induce Covid symptoms?

Yes – The offcial line is that 5G has nothing to do with Covid. But the Covid death rates in 5G hot spots like Milan, Madrid and London suggest otherwise.

Here is a video from an ex-Vodafone whistle blower who explains how 5G is much more than a means to make your mobile downloads quicker.


Covid exists without 5G

The experience of Bolivia and other countries in Latin America tells us that a Covid virus really does exist.  Bolivia etc had many Covid deaths in their winter, in spite of not having 5G.   It seems certain that a patented corona virus escaped from the Wuhan laboratory. Nevertheless …..

Covid is a mask for 5G

Covid is more severe in cities with 5G.  The ‘virus’ seems more virulent and more difficult to recover from.     It seems that 5G does not just weaken the immune system making us more vulnerable;  5G actually provokes the symptoms and deaths that are attributed to  Covid.

This would explain what is happening in Singapore.   Before May 2021, there was hardly any covid in Singapore.  This was to be expected, as Singapore is a very hot country , and a corona virus does not like heat.  Who has heard of someone getting the flu (another corona virus) in summer?  However Singtel Launched 5G in May 2021 and since then ‘Covid’ cases have gone up.

Singapore statistics to July 2021 from

The story is similar in Kenya.   Safaricom launched 5G in March 2021 and the Covid cases have gone up

Kenya ‘covid’ stats to july 2021

Israel launched 5G in September 2020.  Inspite of mass vaccinations and a hot climate,  covid cases have gone up.

Isreal Covid stats to July 2021 with cases up after launch of 5G in September 2020

The death rate in all three countries has been very low – see the red line –  but this will change.  It takes about 6 months before people start dieing from the effects of G5.

Janet Ossebaard, a top researcher from the Netherlands explores this idea and many more in her 4 part exposé on Covid19.  Click Covid19-documentary to see Part l.

G5 kills birds and bees

Birds  and bees have been found dead near the G5 towers.

G5 dead birds
Over 300 birds were found dead after the 5G mast was switched on in Llandudno, Anglesey UK.

See North Wales News for the full story.  Vodafone of course deny it has anything to do with 5G.   search google images for “G5 birds dead” and you will see many more images.

G5 kills bees

See macdailynews for the story about 100s of dead bees near 5G masts in California.   search google images for “G5 bees dead” and you will see many more images.

Needless to say that the sponsored fact checker web sites say that there are no links between bird and bee death and 5G.  But there have been no scientific tests to prove that 5G is safe,  only the opinion of experts who are largely financed by the 5G establishment.

Click CDS Reports in English to see links to Parts 2 to 4