‘Fact Checker’ websites spread mis-information. The biggest and most dangerous lie is that Chlorine dioxide is the same as common Bleach.
CDS is not bleach
The worst is that they say that Chlorine Dioxide is the same as bleach, and many have believed them. People in desperation have been making themselves ill, drinking a mix of bleach and water, You should not drink bleach in any circumstances.
Concentrated Chlorine dioxide is used in the paper industry to bleach / whiten paper. But that has nothing to do with household bleach, and nothing to do with medical Chlorine Dioxide.
Fact Checker Falsehoods
Snopes.com labels Chlorine Dioxide as a Coronavirus Hoax.
Snopes labels Chlorine Dioxide as a bleaching agent and runs the headline . “Are People Attempting to Cure Their Children’s Autism with Bleach Enemas? “. (The enemas are used to eliminate bio-film and parasites / worms that proliferate protected by the bio-film. Parasites interfere with gut bacteria, which can lead to neurological problems. CD / MMS has cured 100s of autistics.)
There are many websites in Spanish that persist in defaming CDS, with no supporting evidence. Sites include:-
- Maldita.es – “CDS: the “gourmet bleach” and supposed miracle solution for everything that does not cure anything and is dangerous”. TOTAL LIES
- larepublica.pe – “It is false that chlorine dioxide cures 97% of those sick with covid-19”. ANOTHER LIE. “Specialists point out that chlorine dioxide could lead to death, since it affects several of the vital organs.” WHAT BULLSHIT
- www.valenciacity.es – “Hoax: there is no proof that CDS or chlorine dioxide cure Covid19” YES THERE IS
Valenciacity.es is a typical example of sloppy journalism, with no supporting evidence, apart from the fact that the World Health Organisation has not approved CDS.
CDS is not a Hoax
There are many that insist that CDS is a hoax. But where is the evidence? where are the patients who have suffered after taking CDS? Why has no-one claimed that someone has died after taking CDS? can all the doctors, who work with CDS, be wrong?
CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) is no more dangerous than aspirin. If you take a bottle of aspirin you could die. Similarly CDS could be dangerous, if you drank straight from the bottle. If anything CDS is safer than aspirin, because it is so unpleasant in its concentrated form, that it would be very difficult to drink enough to cause damage.
CDS works for many, and could work for many more, if doctors were allowed to prescribe it. Why wait for a vaccine when a low cost cure is available right now.