All posts by FCpAdmin

Is Agenda30 good for humanity?

NO – Words like Equity and Sustainability may say ‘Yes’.  But the actions say ‘No’ – viz toxic Chemtrails, brain-numbing 5G radiation, damaging vaccines.

Agenda30 aims to reduce world population

A declared aim of the WEF and others is to reduce the world population.  In the old days, millions died in wars, thus reducing the population.   If the vaccine simply killed off the weak and reduced fertility, as it does, humanity would perhaps benefit in the long run.  But it is more than that.

Agenda30 also aims to enslave humanity

But the vaccine, the chemtrails and 5G towers do much more than that.  The vaccine is changing our DNA.  The graphene in the vaccine and in the air we breath (thanks to the chemtrails) is turning humans into receptors.  The 5G towers are the transmitters of electromagnetic frequencies that are received by the graphene and affect the way people think.  Within a generation, transhumanism will be a reality and humans will be on the way to becoming automatons.


15 Minute Cities, a step towards totalitarianism

The 15 minute cities are just the start.  Once we are conditioned to restricted movement, the rules will be tightened up and in no time we will be living in ghettos, that will be akin to prisons.  Add to this video surveillance, digital currency, a social point system and a digital passport; and life will be quite different.

Agenda30 is a step towards totalitarianism .   It is time to say ‘No’.

Is there an easy way to take DMSO?

YES – DMSO may have a horrid taste.  But with this DMSO protocol, you can mask the taste by taking it with sea salt and/or apple vinegar.

DMSO heals

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) has many healing properties.  But you will not be prescribed by your doctor, as it is not a product patented and supplied by big pharma.  To find out more you could type “dmso alzheimers” or “dmso cancer” into your browser.   If you use a Kindle, you will find numerous books on DMSO.  Read a few samples to get an idea of how important DMSO could be to you.  Click Pubmed Alzheimers or Wiley Cancer or Healthline Arthritis for more info.

DMSO dissolves

DMSO  is also a solvent and will help other medicine or supplements get to where they are needed.  it is known to penetrate the  Blood-Brain Barrier.  It is also can eliminate Amyloid Proteins – proteins that wont dissolve naturally.  The vaccine spike protein is one such Amyloid protein – see Pubmed.  If you have had the vaccine, DMSO could be a good way to get the spike protein out of your system.

DMSO Sulfur Compound


DMSO contains sulfur – a much needed mineral – that generates heat when mixed with water.  So best to but 99.% DMSO and mix it 8 to 2 water in a smaller glass bottle with hard plastic dropper.  DMSO will dissolve soft plastic.  Once diluted to 80% or 90%,  it mixes well with water or whatever without generating heat.


DMSO  has rather an unpleasant taste.  See below for ways to take it, to get maximum benefit and minimise the after-taste.


After breakfast is the time to take DMSO. 1 teaspoon or 10 drops of 80% DMSO in a glass of fruit juice and water. You can add a half tea spoon of sea salt and a full tea spoon of apple vinegar to almost completely mask the taste of DMSO.  Use this to wash down any supplements / medicines you are taking.


DMSO increases the effect of the supplements.  The safe thing is to reduce the quantity of supplement by 50%.  If it is a pill, take half a day instead of 1.  Or take it every other day.  DMSO is a money saver!


DMSO increases the effect of the medicines.  The safe thing is to reduce the dose by 33%. In time you will be able to reduce the dose by 50% or more.  The standard message is that you must consult your doctor before doing anything.  But few doctors have any experience of non-pharmaceutical products like DMSO.


DMSO goes well with any tea without milk, such as mint tea, pine needle tea or black tea.  A tea spoon of apple vinegar masks the taste of the DMSO.  Honey or other sweetener is optional.


DMSO Twice a day seems right for maintenance. If you have a serious issue, then 3 or 4 times a day is OK.  It is almost impossible to overdose with DMSO.


The above is not medical advice.  The author is not a doctor.  The reader should take advice before changing the dose of his medication.

Do Chemtrails reduce global warming?

NO – If Chemtrails aim to reduce global warming, they are a failure.  We have been subjected to polluting Chemtrails for nearly 10 years, and they have no effect on land temperature.  In march 13 2023 Valencia saw a temperature of 31 degrees , which had everyone flocking to the beach.

Valencia beach in March
The warming of the seabed triggers the risk of more extreme storms

Chemtrails cost money.

  • the planes have a significant carbon footprint
  • The pilots have to be paid
  • The nano-particles thrown into the sky have a cost.
  • The dust causes respiratory illness

So who authorised chemtrails in Spain?

Pedro Sanchez issued an executive order (Boletin  Oficial del Estado)  authorizing the use of chemtrails as a means of disinfection against Covid.  Hard to believe , but it’s true, see belowBOE Chemtrails

Chemtrails in Spain are for Disinfection!

They may interfere with the weather.  Farmers in Murcia blame lack of rain on the Chemtrails.

Is the World Health Organisation leading the way towards One World Government?

YES –  Amendments to the International Health Regulations due to be actioned in May 2023, will dramatically reduced the freedoms of the WHO member states. In future WHO directives could become ‘binding’.

Amendments to the International Health Regulations

Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are being formalised between February 20 and 24. They will be ratified by the WHO council in May 2023.  If the more extreme amendments are allowed to stand, and the foundations of a One World Government will be laid.

There are 50 amendments proposed that will undermine our freedom.  They are detailed by James Roguski, a leading campaigner. Click 50 Really Bad Amendments to Roguski’s summary, or listen to Roguski in conversation with Maria Zeee.

The most threatening amendments proposed are to  …

1] Remove the requirement to implement the IHR with “full respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.”

2] Remove the words “non-binding” from the terms “standing recommendation” and “temporary recommendation”. to open the way to recommendations that have to be followed.

3] Surrender (medical) sovereignty to the World Health Organization.

4] Restrict people’s freedom to travel by requiring a Global Digital ID (passport)

5] Give the World Health Organization control over the means of production for the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex.

6] Expand the scope of the IHR by enabling the Director-General and Regional Directors to declare Intermediate Health Alerts, Public Health Emergencies of Regional Concern (PHERC) and Public Health Emergencies of International Concern on their sole authority if they determine that events merely have the “potential” to cause an actual emergency.

7] Authorize the World Health Organization to interfere in the crafting of legislation within sovereign nations.

8] Authorize the WHO to censor information   (Many would say they do this already)

A simple majority is all that is required

A simple majority is all that is needed to bring these amendments into force.  So it is important that we all are write to our political representatives to demand that they stand against the unelected WHO.

Act Now to Protect Freedom

A few years ago, the WHO changed the definition of Pandemia to include any virus that COULD cause lose of life.  By this they made the way for the Lockdowns that did as much harm as the virus itself.

The WHO gave themselves just 4 days to formalize the amendments, not enough time for proper scrutiny.  Most amendments will be pushed through and then they will be rubber stamped in May unless over 50% of countries say ‘NO’.

If these amendments go through,  the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the deep state will be well on their way to total control.

If you have any doubts read the Revised_Draft_Of_The_Negotiating_Text_Of_The_Who_Pandemic_Agreement as lifted from the WHO website by  campaigner James Roguski.. Thanks are due to Roguski for leading the way outing the WHO.

Could many vaccine injuries be avoided?

YES – Many vaccine injuries could be avoided, if vaccine lots were recalled as soon as injuries and deaths were reported.

To date, no batches of vaccines have been recalled. The suppliers had no need to, as their contracts specified that had no liability if things went wrong.

If fraud is proven, then the contract would be void and Pfizer & Co would be liable.  But to date the courts (under direction from ‘Above’) have not allowed cases of fraudulent misrepresentation to be heard.

The strength/ toxicity of the vaccine lots has been very variable.  Most batches have been innocuous, which explains how it is that most have had no immediate side effects.

But Pfizer & Co did not stop the distribution of the vaccine lots causing injuries, in spite of reports of deaths.  Whoever decreed that there could be no recalls has blood on his hands.

The ‘Above’ appears to be the Pentagon (ruled by Deep State?). Evidence is coming to light that the DOD (US Department of Defence) developed the Sars Covid virus, sent it Wuhan for ‘GaIn of Function’. The bio-weapon was leaked, creating fear.  The DOD then pushed through Warp Speed to make people ‘safe’ from the virus of their own creation.

Thanks to researcher Dr Sasha Latypova for revealing the above and to the Health Ranger Mike Adams for his great work with Brighteon. Click Brighteon for an in depth interiew with Dr latypova.

Are Eggs good for us?

YES –  Protein from egg yolks reduces the effect of damaging Vaccine Spike Protein, and maybe even guard against Alzheimers.

Egg Yolks versus Spike Protein

Search google and you will find plenty of web sites, confirming that egg yolks act against the vaccine spike protein, which seems to be the primary cause of the current blood clots


Click pubmed for an official take on egg yolks

Cholesterol in Egg whites are not the danger

The medical world For many years have pushed the idea that cholesterol was bad for you and that the best treatment for someone with high cholesterol was a daily Statins and no more than 2 eggs a week.

But current thinking is that cholesterol in eggs does not raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats.


Statins are the Real Danger

Doctors continue to bully patients into taking Statins to control their cholesterol levels.  But the reality seems to be that we need cholesterol to combat a host of conditions including Alzheimers. Click below to see Dr Peter Gibben’s full exposee.

Click Statin scare for another doctor’s view.

Should we prepare for another pandemic?

YES – we should prepare for another pandemic as simulated In December 2022 by Bill Gates & Co.

December 2022  Pandemic Simulation

Bill Gates & co certainly think we will have another pandemic,  as per their Pandemic Simulation in December 2022.  see GatewayPundit for more.

October 2019 Pandemic Simulation

A few months before covid first appeared in 2020, they simulated a Pandemic in the same way , which was then put into practice.  See 2019 Pandemic Simulation.  see also the John Hopkins Spars Scenario, a futuristic view of how a pandemic would play out

It seems very likely that they will create another pandemic, unless people wake up.  The Canadian Truckers showed us the way.  The only is stand up in mass and say NO

Is Planned Parenthood USA linked to the China bio-weapon?

YES –  Thanks to Planned Parenthood,  China now has more than enough American DNA to produce a bio-weapon that targets Americans / non Chinese.

Planned Parenthood sells American DNA to China

Planned Parenthood has been harvesting organs for some 10 years.  It was no unusual for a late term abortion to end with the baby’s organs being cut out while the heart was still beating.  The organs are sold to anyone, and since China is a big buyer of organs, PP organs will have ended up in China.  This was first exposed in 2015.  See Lifesitenews for the latest on this.

planned parenthood stats
2021 statistics for Planned Parenthood

2020 ‘virus’  targets blacks

In 2020,  the black community were warned that they were more susceptible to the virus than whites.  This was not by chance, as the laboratories in China would have had black DNA to work with.  The next ‘virus’ from China could target Americans, making the way for the CCP’s objective of world domination.

The Establishment do nothing about Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is funded by the Federal government since Obama and before.  To his credit, Trump stopped the funding; but Biden renewed it and it’s business as usual.

Mainstream media have hardly covered the Planned Parenthood scandal since 2015

Mainstream Media ignore Planned Parenthood scandal

If the mainstream media can ignore Planned Parenthood, how can we trust them to tell us the truth  on other matters like the safety of the covid vaccine, the purpose/safety of 5G electromagnetic waves and the purpose/safety of geoengineering chemtrails.

Is there hope for the future of Humans?

YES – There is a ray of hope that Humans will avoid becoming yet another slave race.

Right now the future looks bleak.  The New World Order in the West is intent on reducing us to slavery with Agenda 30, by forcing  artificial intelligence on us.  In the future, “you will own nothing and be happy”.   see the latest  Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal  by Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter – episode 25 and episode 26 – neither are in any way positive.

In the East, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is subjugating their own people and developing bio weapons to subjugate the rest of us. see China illegal organ harvest


The Ray of Hope in the West

The probability is that the covid virus / bio weapon was released prematurely – by accident or deliberately leaked.  If it had come out six month’s later it could have been much worse.  By coming out when it did, it forced the deep state (represented by the WHO, the WEF, by Fauci and Gates) to put into action the plans for  the New World Order; plans that have been laid over decades.  But the virus/bio weapon was not as deadly as envisaged.  The premature release has given many many people time to wake up and to connect with the Good ETs, who are ready to help if asked.

The Ray of Hope in the East

The CCP in China looks invincible right now (January 2023).  But that could change.   Pressure from Without and Pressure from Within could lead to a change in direction. The pressure from Without would be more countries prohibiting transplants with organs from China.  The pressure from Within will come from the millions of Falun Gongers who continue to spread peace and love inspite of the dangers.  Hopefully the endeavours of the Chinese people will be rewarded by a deputation from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, that will be the catalyst for change and lead to a Republic of China that it is a true People’s Republic.

The Good ETs need to show themselves.

Good ETs as represented by the Galactic Federation of Worlds are key to the future of mankind.  Now is the time for Fiction to become Reality.

see for more images

If you have got this far, the best thing that you can do is Pray , and ask that the Good ETs  show themselves and help everyone to wake up.

Click Goodbye Janet for links to her obituary.  She committed suicide in November 2023.

Is China a criminal state, enforcing illegal organ harvest?

YES –  Since 1999, the CCP in China has cut out organs from over a million prisoners of conscience, while still alive. This illegal organ harvest is the basis of China’s multi billion dollar international Organ Transplant business.  It’s The China Holocaust.

Organs extracted from the Living

china organ harvest

The victims are mainly from the 100 million Chinese (1 in 13 of the population) who were devoted to the peaceful practice of Falun Gong.  It all went wrong in July 1999 when tens of thousand Falun Gongers came to Beijing to ask for legal recognition and freedom from state interference.  The CCP response to this challenge, was to outlaw Falun Gong and round up the peaceful protesters. The persecution continued throughout China.

falun gong
Falun Gongers – August 2021

Concentration Camps Feed Organ Transplant Centres

Falun Gongers are held in concentration camps attached to Centres dedicated to organ transplants.  Organs are supplied on demand and are taken from living Falun Gongers without proper anaesthetic, who die in the process. Well over a million have died in this way in the 23 years since Falun Gong was outlawed.

The organs are also harvested from victims from the Uighur/Muslim,  Tibetan and Christian populations.

The China Holocaust  made public in 2005

The China Holocaust  was made public in 2005 by Ethan Gutmann (The Slaughter) and David Matas (Bloody Harvest).  In 2008 it received worldwide coverage when the China Tribunal in London, UK, investigated and confirmed that the allegations were true. The tribunal is headed by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC.  china tribunal

Mainstream Media ignore the China Holocaust

The mainstream media have ignored and continue to ignore the China Holocaust.  No action has been taken by the UN, by the USA and most governments.  The Olympics took place in China in 2022, in spite of China’s total lack of human rights.   All this rather confirms that the CCP tentacles extend far and wide.  The major news machines have received significant payments from the CCP; effectively paid to give positions of responsibility to CCP moles.

nyTimes CNN

Media covering the Falun Gong story has included Epoch News, Fox News and  UK’s Daily Mail .

As at January 2023, the only countries to take action and outlaw the purchase of organs from China are Israel, Taiwan, Italy and Spain.

Falun Gong organ harvest – Sources

The search “falun gong organ harvest” returned numerous  videos confiming that organ harvest is for real.  Sources  include .

Can we trust the Mainstream Media?

If the mainstream media can ignore such blatant disregard for human rights, how can they be believed in other matters like the safety of the covid vaccine, the purpose/safety of 5G electromagnetic waves and the purpose/safety of geoengineering chemtrails.

Bodies exhibition is an Insult

The next image is from one of the exhibits in the touring Bodies exhibition.  Most of the bodies have Chinese features and it is extremely likely that you are looking at a victim of organ harvesting.

Bodies exhibition Insult

Web Welcome to BODIES, the Exhibition
The Exhibition showcases 13 whole-body specimens and more than 260 organs and partial body specimens.  These real human bodies have been meticulously dissected and preserved through an innovative polymer process.  The bodies are respectfully presented, giving visitors the opportunity to view the beauty and complexity of their own organs and systems.

It is hard to believe that someone could think of something like BODIES , and that masses of people would waste time & money on it.