All posts by FCpAdmin

CDS Residue disinfects

CDS residue disinfects and can be used for more than just cleaning the surfaces in the kitchen. Makes a good all purpose antiseptic, throat spray and gargle.

When you prepare CDS following the  Kalcker procedure, you are left with a shot glass of residue every day.  This residue is concentrated Chlorine dioxide and not pleasant to drink undiluted. But it can used as follows ….

Multi-use cleaner

Mix 50/50 with water, add some liquid soap, then put it in an empty spray bottle. and  bob’s your uncle!

Anti Virus / Bacteria Spray

Mix 50/50 with water, add a little salt and put it in a 20 ml spray bottle.  Ideal for disinfecting cuts, mouth ulcers or as a throat spray.  The CDS residue has more taste than a CDS spray, but it not stringent like listerine or TCP.

The spray helps witha dog’s skin infection.  It was helps with athlete’s foot.  It will kill bacteria in a tooth cavity and give temporary relief.

Throat  gargle

Mix 50/50 with water, add a little salt and gargle as you would normally if you had a sore throat or bad breath.   Spit it out afterwards, as you would a normally.


Can a CDS spray disinfect a virus?

YES – The Chlorine dioxide (CD) spray disinfects virus and bacteria.  Spray your throat to stop a virus taking hold.

The Chlorine dioxide (CD) spray is based on the original MMS formula, and does not need to be refrigerated.  It will last 2 weeks or more.  But it will get weaker as time goes by and the chlorine element evaporates.

Chlorine dioxide spray Chlorine dioxide (CD) works like oxygenated water as used by dentists or by nurses to clean a wound.  CD kills bacteria and viruses, and can be sprayed on a cut to help it heal.  You can also spray it on an aching tooth.   CD kills bacteria and takes away the pain temporarily.

CD Spray disinfects a Virus

Spray your throat after you have been in busy places, like shops, airports or hospitals.  The spray will kill a virus before it takes hold.  CD sees no difference between flu and Covid.  It kills them both.

CDS Spray

If you already make CDS, the gas form of ClO2, you can make your protective spray by mixing 1/3 CDS to 2/3 water with a tiny amount of salt.

Kalcker in Spanish on the importance of the ClO2 spray to protect doctors and nurses from the virus.

DIY CD Spray

You can do it yourself (DIY).   The formula is very simple.

Add 30 drops of Hydrochloric Acid  and 30 drops of sodium chlorite to a 20 ml spray bottle.  Fill up the bottle with water.  The two ingredients are widely available.  We are based in Spain, where we buy from   You can also buy from You can even find it on Amazon.

Spray ingredients

You can also get ClO2  (Chlorine dioxide) in pill form from ActivatedMineralSolution

AMS2 pills

CDS/Covid Reports in English

Here are some useful links to CDS information in  English

Covid cured in Ecuador

Click Covid cured in Ecuador for a  brief video by Andreas Kalcker talking about CDS success in Ecuador.   This link will only work on a smart phone and needs the Telegram app.

COMUSAV – CDS Cures Covid – Report

COMUSAV is the  Global health and life Coalition (Coalicion mundial salud y vida) and the report is presented by 22 doctors and 3 scientists from many different countries including Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain & Switzerland.
Click COMUSAV for the report translated into English. The original report waas written in Spanish.

The report includes a summary of 11 studies on Chlorine Dioxide that found no unwanted side effects, and much technical information, and pleas to national governments to legalise Chlorine dioxide for the treatment of Covid.

The Conclusions on page 46 include the following:-

“The death rate in Bolivia went down from 100 a day in early September to 6 a day in early November, after implementing the law allowing CDS use, and the cities that have applied it have been infection free for over 1 month.
The more than 3000 doctors of the COMUSAV association that have used CDS as a prophylactic measure did not get infected with Covid, even in high infection areas, with no reported side effects at all, taking it on a daily basis for several months”

The Vaccine is Dangerous

Click The Vaccine is Dangerous  for a video in English from honest experts warning of the dangers.  The Doctors’ testimony starts after 25 minutes, with introduction by blogger Polly St George of Canada.  But it worth seeing it all to get the whole picture.

Janet OsseBaard Documentaries

Janet Ossebaard is a top researcher from the Netherlands and has put together a 4 part exposé on the Covid19 phenomena.

Covid Part 1 starts with the definitive statement that Covid19 does exist, it is NOT a hoax.  From then on it is full of information that Bill Gates and the World Health Organisation would not like you to know.

Click here for the documentary parts :-

Janet Ossebaard refers to the Cabal frequently. If you like her style, then you will find her 10 part documentary on the Fall of the Cabal rivetting.  Here is the link to Fall Cabal Part s 1-10.

Is Chlorine Dioxide the same as domestic bleach?

NO –  Chlorine dioxide is NOT the same as domestic Bleach

The formula for bleach below is quite different from CDS.   Concentrated chlorine dioxide may be used in industry to whiten / bleach paper.  But medicinal CDS has nothing to do with Industrial chlorine dioxide, just as the fluoride in toothpaste  bears no relation to the concentrated fluoride used as poison to kill rats.


CDS Oxidation Potential

CDS has an oxidation potential of E 0.95 volts, more than 54% less than Ozone (E2.07 volts) and 30% less than Chlorine (E1.36 volts).  It is the oxidation that kills the bad cells.  But too much oxidation, as in Ozone and Chlorine, will damage good as well as bad cells.

CDS  is pH selective

CDS (CD gas) is pH selective. The human body has a pH of 7.3.  Alkaline pH is greater than 7.3, Acidic pH is less.  The more acidic the pathogen, the greater the reaction CDS creates. CDS only kills the bad cells.

Chlorine Anion in Humans

Chloride Ion is a chlorine anion that forms the negatively charged part of certain salts, including sodium and hydrogen chloride salts, and is an essential electrolyte located in all body fluids responsible for maintaining acid/base balance, transmitting nerve impulses and regulating fluid in and out of cells.  An anion is a negatively charged ion.  In short, our bodies are no strangers to chlorine, but not in the quantities used to keep a swimming pool clean.

Chlorine dioxide leaves is no residue.

CDS  reacts to hydrochloric acid, the acid in the stomach and oxidates.  The oxidation process turns it into oxygen and sodium chloride (salt).  Both are easily absorbed and no damaging residue is left to upset the gut bacteria.

Chlorine dioxide improves Neuron Conductivity

Neurons are nerve cells that transfer information within the body.  They use two types of signals to communicate: electrical signals (long-distance) and chemical signals (short-distance).   Google “Neurons Synapses Signaling” for more information.

Salt increases conductivity.  Chlorine dioxide puts  sodium chloride  (pure salt)  into the body.   It follows that the CDS salt will improve long  distance neuron communication.   This could  explain how Parkinsons and other neurological conditions benefit from CDS.   More research is needed on this.

CDS eliminates bio film

CDS  oxidation eliminates bio-film.  Bio-film provides a safe environment for viruses  and parasites to proliferate.    Parasites can compromise the gut wall and leak toxins into the rest of the body.  Neurological problems can follow when the brain-blood barrier is breached. Hence it is possible to treat Autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons with CDS.

CDS does not damage human tissue.

CDS kills single cell bacteria, but not multi-cellular tissue. The salt produced by the activated chlorine, is conductive; and there appears to be an electromagnetic discharge effect. The multi-cellular ceĺls survive by disseminating charges, whereas a single cell is overwhelmed by the oxidation.

CDS is NOT toxic

According to Legal Experts, CNG Peritaciones Farmaceuticas Juridicas, ‘Chlorine Dioxide is a substance that, in normal conditions of use, does not produce toxic or undesired effects that are disproportionate to the benefit obtained’.  No-one has ever died as a result of taking  Chlorine Dioxide Solution.

Oxygen + Salt = Energy

CDS gives your body energy to fight illnesses.   After a few days taking CDS, you will notice that you have more energy , less brain fog, assuming that you have a sensible diet.

The bibliography of “Forbidden Health” includes 125 references to scientific publications.

forbidden health
To buy you own copy, click Forbidden Health for English or
Salud Prohibida for Spanish

click to see a video on how CDS started.

Saw Palmetto avoids prostate problems

A daily Saw Palmetto avoids prostate problems.  Of my 60+ friends, the ones who don’t have prostate problems have mostly been taking Saw Palmetto  for years. Saw Palmetto also helps you keep a good head of hair!

Thank you to Melina Clark of Singapore for first putting us on to Saw Palmetto.  One of our group was preparing himself for surgery.  But 4 months on Saw Palmetto saw him back to normal, and he has never looked back.

Saw Palmetto Pills are easy to get

You wont find clinical trials to support the use of Saw Palmetto to avoid prostate problems, because Big Pharma has no interest in natural products, that cannot be patented.

The effect on sexual desire is all positive.  Without Saw Palmetto,  your prostate could put an end to sex altogether.

See serenoa-plaziva for more info on Saw Palmetto


CDS in Practice

Chlorine dioxide (CD) Solution can be taken as a cure or as prevention.  The CD throat spray protects from Covid19 as well as Influenza.

CDS  – CD  Gas dissolved in water.

The Kalcker method.  CDS must be kept under 11 degrees (ie in the fridge or in ice packs) to stop it evaporating.  the standard daily dose is 30 ml dissolved in 1 litre of water, taken 10 times in the course of the day.

CD Drops

Drops of the concentrated CDS are mixed with water, and taken in the same way as CDS.

CD  works like MMS, the forerunner to CDS.  CDS uses Hydrochlroic acid as activator instead of Citric acid (original MMS).  Nevertheless the drops version can cause stomach upset, unlike the CDS which is  easy to digest.

Spray Protection

CD Spray is made from CD drops and does not need to be refrigerated.  Spray your throat after being in a crowded area to prevent infection.  CD throat spray protects from Covid19.

Spray Healing

The same CD spray is used  to help heal cuts to the skin.

Where to get CDS

You can buy a CDS kit or you can buy CDS drops ready made.

Click mon-natura for how to buy

Cures could stop the vaccine

CDS is important as an alternative to vaccination. As long as there is no cure on offer, there will be nothing to stop the roll out of the vaccine.

Vaccine at Best

At best the vaccine will give short term immunity.  But it will undermine our immune system and have undesired side effects.

  • Old people, who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine for 5 years, are 5 times more likely to get Alzheimers, according to one study.
  • Children , who have been vaccinated with the flu vaccine, are much more likely to get a flu like virus.

The Corona Virus is expected to mutate you will need a vaccine more than once, possibly every year.

Civil Liberties

A vaccine will have a massive impact on civil liberties.

In Spain, they plan to prevent children from going to school, who have not be vaccinated.  At the same time, they plan to obstruct home schooling and prevent parents from taking their children out of school.  They are talking of taking children away from their parents who won’t let them be vaccinated.

It is possible that adults will not be allowed to use public transport or take an aeroplane flight, if they have not been vaccinated.

Vaccine at Worst

At worst, the vaccine will have a sterilising effect.  Some contend that the vaccine is not just a money making scheme; rather it will be a way to reduce the growth in population.   The vaccine could also change one’s DNA, to make you traceable and to connect you to the 5G network.  Through this it will be possible to implant ideas in your brain, that you think are your own.  The next step would be to get Artificial Intelligence into the human brain.

This comes back to CDS and the cures.

Give people a cure and they won’t need to be vaccinated.


Masks are madness for the healthy

“Masks are madness for the healthy.  They reduce the intake of oxygen, that weakens the immune system.  Wearing a mask  makes a healthy person more vulnerable to Covid“.  Dr Roberto Garcia and others.

When to wear a mask

Wearing a mask to cover your mount is a good practice, is if you are ill with a  cough.  The mask will stop your germs spreading so much.

Do they make a difference? The Danish Survey says No.

American survey shows no more then 2% reduction of covid cases result from mask wearing and lockdown.  Highwire tells all.

Mask Madness

In Spain, you are required to wear a mask if you are walking outside, unless you have sand underfoot – ie on the beach.

If you are walking alone along a street, you had  to wear a mask up till 26 June 21)

In a restaurant area that it is OK to sit without a mask; but you must put on your mask if you leave your table to go to the toilet or the bar.

The people who are suffering the most are the shop and restaurant workers who are in fear of losing their job if they so much as drop their mask a little so they can breath through the nose.

The police cannot be enjoying having their face covered all day.  You can see Police patrolling the beach on their quad bikes with their masks on.  What madness!

Mask protest

We all need to make a stand.  If enough people protest, they can´t arrest everyone.    You can help in this as follows.

  • When you wear a mask, always make sure that your nose is not covered, so you can breath freely.
  • If you work in a shop, do not insist that your customers to cover their nose.
  • If you work in a restaurant, do not insist that your customers to put on a mask to go to the toilet
  • When you are walking down the street, carry a mask in your hand.  Only put it, if you see a policeman.
  • if you are walking in an empty street or in the country, put your mask in your pocket.