Category Archives: Health

Can you combat cancer and covid with ph medicine?

YES – ph medicine combats cancer and covid.  Bicarbonate of soda / baking soda raises pH and prevents an acid environment, which pathogens need to thrive.

dr mark sircus bicarbonate medicine
Ph Medicine or Bicarbonate Medicine is championed by Dr Mark Sircus, Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine. Dr Sircus’ latest book “Bicarbonate Medicine’ tells all  – available on Kindle. You can find out more on and on Dr Sircus’ Living a longer life.

CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is another Ph Medicine . Like Bicarbonates, CDS only attacks low Ph/ acidic pathogens.

Bicarbonate of Soda (BoS) eliminates a cancerous tumour

Bicarbonate of Soda mixed with Molasses, Honey or Maple Syrup taken three times a day for 10 days will raise your pH to over 8.  The alkalinity then kill cancer cells.

The sweetness of the molasses opens the cancer cells. The BoS increases the pH that kills them.

To control your pH, you need a pack of test strips.

A 10 day cancer cure ?!?

  • Day 1-2   1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 2 x a day
  • Day 3-4  1 tsp BoS, 1 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day
  • Day5-10 2 tsp BoS, 2 tsp Molasses in a glass of water, 3 x a day                             Day 5-10 reduce to 2 x a day if you have to.

This is not medical advice, as most doctors do not know about this. This is refinement of the steps Vernon Tullis used to cure himself of cancer. See Dr Sircus’ book for more.

ph Level Test

the first step is to test your pH level.  see  for how to test your pH level.  The Urinalysis Reagent Strips from ACCUDOCTOR are easy to use. they test for 12 different things including pH.  they are available from Amazon.  See below for some real results.

pH test Results

Anything more then 7.4 is good news – alkaline not acid.  The colour on the strip indicates a pH of 6, which is normal first thing in the morning.  For a more accurate view, you should test after lunch.

ph test = 7. A good result after 8 months of taking bicarbonate of soda almost every day.

Alkalizing Foods

According to Greenopedia, “A balanced diet equates to roughly 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods.”    

see also Lemon & Garlic increase pH


Do Omega-6 oils combine with the vaccine spike protein to cause blood clots?

YES –  According to Mike Adams the Health Ranger, who tells all in a must see video.

Omega-6 + Spike Protein = Blood Clots

If Omega6 is the problem, then it is explained why young people, on a diet of junk food, can die after taking the vaccine.

The scientific view that omega-6 can lead to heart desease is given by openheart.bmj.

But not all agree, especially the official looking websites.  According to Harvard Medical, “Omega-6 fats from vegetable oils and other sources — like their cousins, the omega-3 fats from fish — are good for the heart and body.”

Harvard’s Omega summary.

Omega-6 vs Omega-3

The above is useful if you want to avoid Omega-6, but slightly confusing if you eat a lot of walnuts.  According to Vegfaqs, walnuts have much more Omega-6 than 3.

The omega-6 content of oils is provided by rejuvenation-science They see that a 1:1 balance of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 and pro-inflammatory Omega-6 oils is optimal.

Here is a full list of Omega 6 – 3 provided by paleozonenutrition, which shows palm oil as another omega-6 rich oil.

If in doubt, the best advice is to steer clear of Omega-6 oils and processed food containing them.

Can one live fear-free in a pandemic?

Yes – You can live  fear-free in a pandemic, by avoiding the cause of that fear.   This is best done by having a Covid Cure on hand.

The SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Exists

Anyone who says that the virus does not exist, has not gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one to it.   Everyone knows about the patents, how it started in America, then got moved to Wuhan when Congress made the research illegal.

So it’s hard not to fear it, especially with the over-the-top media coverage and the excessive government action.   Before 2020, you would have been laughed at, if you had suggested locking down healthy people and making them wear masks.

The Biggest Enemy is Fear

Fear weakens you.  It affects your  vitality and weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to external forces, such as bacteria, viruses or 5G electromagnetic radiation.

The vaccine makes you feel more secure

Many now feel more comfortable now that they have had the covax.  It may be less likely that they catch the virus , but they could still catch it.  The resulting covid should be quite mild.  But if  pathogenic priming / anti-body enhancement is a reality, it could be terminal.

So even if you have had the covax, fear wont be far away, unless you take action.

Eliminate the cause of fear.

The only way to eliminate fear is to eliminate the cause of the fear, by having a Covid Cure on hand.  The powers that be want you to believe that there is no easy cure for covid.  But this simply is not true.  On this site, you can read the experience of many doctors,  who spend their time curing the supposedly incurable.

Two ways to get away from fear is
1) Take a prophelactic to prevent you catching the virus.   CDS and HCQ are both prophelactics.
2) Invest in a Covid Cure and keep it in the fridge or the medicine cupboard.  So the  moment you feel a fever coming on, you can take the treatment and stop the virus before it becomes a serious problem.

Covid Cures

CDS is not the only cure. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin both cure covid.  Both work well with Zinc supplement. But they are  difficult to obtain, because doctors in most countries are not allowed to prescribe them.

Apart from CDS which you can make yourself, the cure that is easiest to use is the Zelenko Protocol, which comprises Quercetin and Zinc…both available without prescription.   Click Covid Cures for more information.

To live a normal life fear-free,  you need to have a cure to hand.   The important thing is to be able to stop it before it gets going.

Otherwise you are at risk, which means living in fear.

My personal experience

I have been taking CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution) daily since november 2020 and since then have had NO FEAR.

I first started with CDS when I taken by a fever one afternoon in November.  We had CDS in the fridge – my wife had been taking it for hyper-thyroidism.  She prepared a litre bottle of mineral water with 10ml of CDS, which I took on the hour every hour for 10 hours.

The fever was gone by the next day and the day after I was back to normal.

Since then I have been taking CDS 2 or 3 times a day to treat a neurological condition; comfortable in the thought that I was also  protected from the dread virus.


Is Covax supported by Science?

NO – Covax is not supported by Science, according to Independent Doctors & Scientists.  the vaccine  causes Pathogenic priming  / Antibody dependent Enhancement .. very bad news if you come into contact with corona virus.

Mike Yeadon, ex Pfizer Vice President and top virologist begs you to stop taking the virus.  If you have had covid, you are protected from all variants.  The vaccine is not needed; it’s more about depopulation.

Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor of the mRNA vaccine, sits down with Del Bigtree in July 2021 to give his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against COVID-19 and, in particular, the extreme danger it poses to young people;  the dangers of the spike protein, which is much more than a antigen;  the fact that the spike protein  opens the blood brain barrier.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko developed the Zinc Quercetin protocol to cure covid.   He denounces the vaccine in the Zelenko-interview. 
Click LaPrensa for the original in Spanish written by Agustina Sucri in August 2021.

Dr Simone Gold the leader of AmericasFrontlineDoctors.  She may not be a Democrat, but that does not stop he from being an outstanding doctor, a doctor who lives the hypocratic oath.

Dr Roger Hodkinson in interview with Kamalpreet Singh talks about variants and how our innate immune system is perfectly capable of dealing with them and how the vaccine is more dangerous than the desease itself.

Can diet counteract a neurological condition?

YES – diet can counteract a neurological condition, when  it includes  good oil and fats,  avoids refined sugar and gluten,  and includes regular gulps of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution).

Brain Fat!

The brain is largely made of fat and is nourished by good fat.  Good fats include extra virgin oils – coconut or olive, avocadoes and nuts.


Brain Sugar?

Refined sugar and gluten are both linked to brain fog and worse.  If you don’t believe this, type “brain fog gluten” or “brain fog refined sugar” into google and see what you get.

Brain CDS!

Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) treats the bio-electrics in our body.  Our neurons are connected by synapses / electrical signals .  CDS helps these work better by improving cell conductivity .

The chlorine in CDS converts to sodium chloride in the stomach.  It releases pure salt into our system.  Salt is highly conductive and helps the synapses work better.

So when your brain asks your foot to move to the next step, the message gets through and you don’t trip over (so often).

Brain Studies

It would be good to refer the reader to  studies that confirm the role of CDS.  But diet and bio-electrics are not interesting to big pharma, that funds almost all research.

see CDS Science for more information on CDS

Are the Unvaccinated a Danger to the Vaccinated?

NO – The Unvaccinated are not a special danger. “The risk that unvaccinated individuals might pose to someone who is fully vaccinated is very minimal.”

July 2021 UK reports that 40% (originally stated as 60%) of new covid admissions in hospital have been people who have been double vaccinated. This indicates that vaccinated are as likely to carry the virus, as the vaccinated .  see lifesitenews for the full story.

Risks ‘quite low’ to ‘very minimal’

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says “if you are near that person (unvaccinated) and you are vaccinated your risk is variously quite low,” CDC is the American Centre for Disease Control.


“The risk that unvaccinated individuals might pose to someone who is fully vaccinated is very minimal.” According to Gillian Conrad, the Communications Director of Berrien County Health Department. See MSN news for the full story.

Others maintain that “The greater the number of unvaccinated people in a community, the more opportunity germs have to spread.” This was written in 2017 for the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, well before covid and the dread MRNA shot.

If unwell, keep to yourself

If you get ill, it is important to stay away from other people, so the germs can’t spread. This is true for the vaccinated , as well as the unvaccinated.

But if you have been taking CDS as a prophelactic, it is extremely unlikely or even impossible that you could be affected by the corona virus.

Maybe the Vaccinated are the danger

Finally many would maintain that vaccinated are a danger to the unvaccinated, not the other way round. ElColectivodeUno cites a Pfizer document that acknowledges that anyone could be exposed to the vaccine spike proteins by inhalation or skin contact… See FCP article on shedding for more.

To take the shot or Not is a Personal Choice

The Anti-Vax think someone crazy to take the shot.  The Vaccinated think the same about the Unvaccinated.  It can drive friends and family apart.

It is up to us all not to let this happen.  It is important for our individual wellbeing that we keep in touch literally.  We all need a good hug from our loved ones now and again.

How real is vaccine shedding?

Very.   Social media has been inundated with reports of shedding since April/May 2021, including stories of bleeding and upset menstrual cycles from women who have been in contact with others who have been vaccinated;  too many to be ignored.

Shedding is nothing new!

The advice is to steer clear of people in the weeks following their vaccination.  But it is not known how long shedding continues.

The nay-sayers say that you need a live virus for shedding to occur and there is no live virus in the vaccine (REALLY?!?)  You will find pages and pages of respectable website, like webmed and, insisting that shedding is not possible.

Nevertheless the reports keep coming.  see RightsFreedom for details of a Pfizer document that confirms ‘Covid Vaccine Shedding’ leading to ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ and ‘Miscarriage’ is possible via ‘skin-to-skin contact’ and ‘breathing the same air’


If you are not vaccinated and feel that you have shed upon, then there are remedies.   Many swear by Pine Needle tea .   Others use one of the Covid Cures as a prophelactic  – for prevention.

Is Chlorine Dioxide the same as domestic bleach?

NO –  Chlorine dioxide is NOT the same as domestic Bleach

The formula for bleach below is quite different from CDS.   Concentrated chlorine dioxide may be used in industry to whiten / bleach paper.  But medicinal CDS has nothing to do with Industrial chlorine dioxide, just as the fluoride in toothpaste  bears no relation to the concentrated fluoride used as poison to kill rats.


CDS Oxidation Potential

CDS has an oxidation potential of E 0.95 volts, more than 54% less than Ozone (E2.07 volts) and 30% less than Chlorine (E1.36 volts).  It is the oxidation that kills the bad cells.  But too much oxidation, as in Ozone and Chlorine, will damage good as well as bad cells.

CDS  is pH selective

CDS (CD gas) is pH selective. The human body has a pH of 7.3.  Alkaline pH is greater than 7.3, Acidic pH is less.  The more acidic the pathogen, the greater the reaction CDS creates. CDS only kills the bad cells.

Chlorine Anion in Humans

Chloride Ion is a chlorine anion that forms the negatively charged part of certain salts, including sodium and hydrogen chloride salts, and is an essential electrolyte located in all body fluids responsible for maintaining acid/base balance, transmitting nerve impulses and regulating fluid in and out of cells.  An anion is a negatively charged ion.  In short, our bodies are no strangers to chlorine, but not in the quantities used to keep a swimming pool clean.

Chlorine dioxide leaves is no residue.

CDS  reacts to hydrochloric acid, the acid in the stomach and oxidates.  The oxidation process turns it into oxygen and sodium chloride (salt).  Both are easily absorbed and no damaging residue is left to upset the gut bacteria.

Chlorine dioxide improves Neuron Conductivity

Neurons are nerve cells that transfer information within the body.  They use two types of signals to communicate: electrical signals (long-distance) and chemical signals (short-distance).   Google “Neurons Synapses Signaling” for more information.

Salt increases conductivity.  Chlorine dioxide puts  sodium chloride  (pure salt)  into the body.   It follows that the CDS salt will improve long  distance neuron communication.   This could  explain how Parkinsons and other neurological conditions benefit from CDS.   More research is needed on this.

CDS eliminates bio film

CDS  oxidation eliminates bio-film.  Bio-film provides a safe environment for viruses  and parasites to proliferate.    Parasites can compromise the gut wall and leak toxins into the rest of the body.  Neurological problems can follow when the brain-blood barrier is breached. Hence it is possible to treat Autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons with CDS.

CDS does not damage human tissue.

CDS kills single cell bacteria, but not multi-cellular tissue. The salt produced by the activated chlorine, is conductive; and there appears to be an electromagnetic discharge effect. The multi-cellular ceĺls survive by disseminating charges, whereas a single cell is overwhelmed by the oxidation.

CDS is NOT toxic

According to Legal Experts, CNG Peritaciones Farmaceuticas Juridicas, ‘Chlorine Dioxide is a substance that, in normal conditions of use, does not produce toxic or undesired effects that are disproportionate to the benefit obtained’.  No-one has ever died as a result of taking  Chlorine Dioxide Solution.

Oxygen + Salt = Energy

CDS gives your body energy to fight illnesses.   After a few days taking CDS, you will notice that you have more energy , less brain fog, assuming that you have a sensible diet.

The bibliography of “Forbidden Health” includes 125 references to scientific publications.

forbidden health
To buy you own copy, click Forbidden Health for English or
Salud Prohibida for Spanish

click to see a video on how CDS started.

Saw Palmetto avoids prostate problems

A daily Saw Palmetto avoids prostate problems.  Of my 60+ friends, the ones who don’t have prostate problems have mostly been taking Saw Palmetto  for years. Saw Palmetto also helps you keep a good head of hair!

Thank you to Melina Clark of Singapore for first putting us on to Saw Palmetto.  One of our group was preparing himself for surgery.  But 4 months on Saw Palmetto saw him back to normal, and he has never looked back.

Saw Palmetto Pills are easy to get

You wont find clinical trials to support the use of Saw Palmetto to avoid prostate problems, because Big Pharma has no interest in natural products, that cannot be patented.

The effect on sexual desire is all positive.  Without Saw Palmetto,  your prostate could put an end to sex altogether.

See serenoa-plaziva for more info on Saw Palmetto


Masks are madness for the healthy

“Masks are madness for the healthy.  They reduce the intake of oxygen, that weakens the immune system.  Wearing a mask  makes a healthy person more vulnerable to Covid“.  Dr Roberto Garcia and others.

When to wear a mask

Wearing a mask to cover your mount is a good practice, is if you are ill with a  cough.  The mask will stop your germs spreading so much.

Do they make a difference? The Danish Survey says No.

American survey shows no more then 2% reduction of covid cases result from mask wearing and lockdown.  Highwire tells all.

Mask Madness

In Spain, you are required to wear a mask if you are walking outside, unless you have sand underfoot – ie on the beach.

If you are walking alone along a street, you had  to wear a mask up till 26 June 21)

In a restaurant area that it is OK to sit without a mask; but you must put on your mask if you leave your table to go to the toilet or the bar.

The people who are suffering the most are the shop and restaurant workers who are in fear of losing their job if they so much as drop their mask a little so they can breath through the nose.

The police cannot be enjoying having their face covered all day.  You can see Police patrolling the beach on their quad bikes with their masks on.  What madness!

Mask protest

We all need to make a stand.  If enough people protest, they can´t arrest everyone.    You can help in this as follows.

  • When you wear a mask, always make sure that your nose is not covered, so you can breath freely.
  • If you work in a shop, do not insist that your customers to cover their nose.
  • If you work in a restaurant, do not insist that your customers to put on a mask to go to the toilet
  • When you are walking down the street, carry a mask in your hand.  Only put it, if you see a policeman.
  • if you are walking in an empty street or in the country, put your mask in your pocket.