YES – The vaccine was authorised by the FDA on a trial basis, that required that many would receive a placebo instead of the real vaccine.
Browse Duckduckgo for “Vaccine placebo”
Browse Duckduckgo for “Vaccine placebo” , if you have any doubt that placebos have been used.
Vaccines were authorised for trial, because according to the WHO no alternative treatment was available; which explains why treatments like CDS, HCQ, Ivermectine etc were denied. It had to be a trial, because the vaccine had not been fully tested.
Bluetooth your vaccine serial number
It appears that everyone who has received a genuine MRNA vaccine, will now have a nano-chip in their body, with the serial number of the vaccine. You can use bluetooth on a old smart phone to see whether or not you have had the real thing.

If you have access to an old smart phone, you can switch on Bluetooth and your serial number will appear as an available device.
Best to do this by yourself, so there is no chance of someone else’s vaccine number appearing on your phone. Newer smart phones are programmed not to show vaccine serial numbers.
The alternative view
See mythdetector for the official line – “Claim alleging that mRNA protein, which is injected into the human body following the vaccination, enables the person’s connection to Bluetooth device ensuring their detectability via smartphone is false. In reality, the codes depicted in the videos are MAC addresses of devices, which, instead of vaccination, determine the device ability to connect with other devices.” This argument falls apart, if there are no MAC devices nearby
Fullfact trots out the same fatuous arguments.
See Quint (an Indian website) the argument that a vaccine serial number does not exist, because it is not in the list of ingredients of the Bharat vaccine. Fair enough, but the Bharat vaccine is quite different from the MRNA vaccines.