Can diet counteract a neurological condition?

YES – diet can counteract a neurological condition, when  it includes  good oil and fats,  avoids refined sugar and gluten,  and includes regular gulps of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution).

Brain Fat!

The brain is largely made of fat and is nourished by good fat.  Good fats include extra virgin oils – coconut or olive, avocadoes and nuts.


Brain Sugar?

Refined sugar and gluten are both linked to brain fog and worse.  If you don’t believe this, type “brain fog gluten” or “brain fog refined sugar” into google and see what you get.

Brain CDS!

Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) treats the bio-electrics in our body.  Our neurons are connected by synapses / electrical signals .  CDS helps these work better by improving cell conductivity .

The chlorine in CDS converts to sodium chloride in the stomach.  It releases pure salt into our system.  Salt is highly conductive and helps the synapses work better.

So when your brain asks your foot to move to the next step, the message gets through and you don’t trip over (so often).

Brain Studies

It would be good to refer the reader to  studies that confirm the role of CDS.  But diet and bio-electrics are not interesting to big pharma, that funds almost all research.

see CDS Science for more information on CDS

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