Can Iodine prevent breast, thyroid, prostate and mental health problems?

YES – Iodine can prevent breast, thyroid, prostate and mental health problems.  It also acts against any sort of radiation – Nuclear or 5G. Iodine is an essential mineral and everybody should be taking it.

50 years ago, iodine was seen as so important in the USA, that it was added to bread as standard.  Iodine became the go-to medicine after it was first separated from seaweed in 1811.

But things changed after 1948, when two doctors produced questionable studies saying Iodine was dangerous. The studies were presumably funded by big pharma, who would have seen the unpatented iodine as competition to their products.

In the 1950s iodine was taken out of bread and replaced with a bromide additive.  Bromide in all its forms supplants iodine,  leaving people even more iodine deficient.

Iodine is needed by women for breast and thyroid health.  For men, iodine is important for the prostate.   Iodine also counters brain fog and associated degenerative illness.

The solution  is to take an iodine supplement twice a day. The best known are Lugol and Iodorol both made by Iodorol is in pill form and avoids the digestive problems that can be provoked by Lugol’s solution.  Iodine should  also be applied to the skin before a  breast lump becomes cancerous.

Iodine – How much should I take?

With the scares over 50 year ago, people are still cautious about the use of Iodine, and tend to under-dose.   Best to start off with 2-4 drops in a glass of juice/water or a cup of tea twice a day.  If you don’t feel well – ie feel dizzy  or nauseas – reduce the dose.  Most doctors will err on the side of caution and you wont take enough to deal with your problems.  See Dr Stephanie Buist’s  Guide to Supplementing with Iodine 

Bromism Detox Reaction

When you start on iodine, it could react with the bromide in your system, and provoke a type of bromism. This is more likely in the USA, where bromine is much used as a fire retardent.  If you don’t feel well, stop taking iodine for 48 hours. In that time, do a salt detox as recommended by Dr Jeffrey Dash.  Then resume iodine at a lower dose.

Breast Cancer Prevention with Iodine

Most breast cancer starts with random lumps and soreness. Start with iodine early and the lumps will dissolve, soreness will go and cancer will be nipped in the bud

Thyroid problem Prevention with Iodine

Thyroid malfunction is mainly caused by iodine / Iodide deficiency. An iodine supplement should be part of any treatment.

Iodine Authorities

The iodine resurgence is backed by a mass of users and by numerous brave doctors. Here are some links.

Recommended reading includes Lynne Farrow’s book.

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